HYÆCINTH's answer page 3 (80)

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Reminds me this comment under a yaoi fanfic on real people (Jpop group). lmao the cringe   reply
24 06,2021
about lmao
Thank you for making this, I was just saying to make one here instead of the manga page. RIP Kentaro Miura   reply
20 05,2021
HYÆCINTH 03 05,2021
I could never, my parents snore so damn loud I can hear them next door. Also stop judging what others do based on your standards on topics like this, you don't know their situation, culture and norms.   reply
03 05,2021
heck yeaa   reply
17 04,2021
I don't think it's possible, even without the helmet   reply
25 04,2021
I think it has to do with their values/morals?, you wouldn't want to promote that to the general public. plus having explicit stuff that have minors do such things, which Korean minors might read about can probably reflect some negative views on the work itself.   reply
17 04,2021
I can understand Korean now from the amount of Kdramas I watched, without even trying. so my take is to try anything you enjoy doing that involves the language and be consistent to create the habit of learning. The more you practice the better you become   reply
25 04,2021
no need to devalue others for your content or to make yourself look good. thanks alien senpai   reply
21 04,2021
Banana fish, I really don't have to. I already know everything since y'all talk about it all the time so what's the point...   1 reply
22 04,2021
about question
suddenly I want to clean my room at 2am.   reply
15 05,2021
about question
idk if this is a popular opinion but when someone here comments they don't like characters or how the story is going then people response with "You're the problem...don't blame the story. have some respect, you're just an illegal user yet you dared to insult the story." bruh so people can't share their opinions??   reply
09 05,2021
just call this guy   1 reply
19 04,2021
about question
JESSICA- did you sleep with your goddam teacher?   reply
05 07,2021
about question
HYÆCINTH 13 04,2021
idk aside from ed sheeran, only ginger I know is this   reply
13 04,2021
about question
it means those without accounts can reply topics without logging in. I've used mangago for few years without creating my account and the times I try to reply to comments it didn't work.   1 reply
27 04,2021
about question
Human trafficking is the second largest criminal industry that's still growing rapidly (>$100billion) in some places soap bars were first made from slaughtered animal fat   reply
07 03,2021
lol SL fans probably punching the air... but it's true This one I would say roach lovers   1 reply
12 07,2021
about question
I've heard of this, really sickening idea and horrifying for the mother like imagine how violated they feel being done like that for a man's pleasure without their knowledge.   reply
20 04,2021
you're not supposed to wear socks while sleeping   1 reply
25 04,2021
about question
I'll be paying off my sleep debt   1 reply
10 04,2021