ushijima'sthickthighs's question page 3 (78)

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about question
so so i was super horny and the i decided why not to to stick a cucumber up my you know what because i have no other form of getting off. but it broke......I NEED HELP HOW DO I GET IT OUT PLS I'M SERIOUS

ok that should be enough to click bait yall mfs. so now that that yall are here thought i should ask a genuine question.

so now that school is almost done I believe only one more quarter left. (my school does that 4 quarter system thingy). are yall relieved?

cuz i know i am. and are yall going to do anything over the summer?
30 04,2021
i went on twt and the first thing i saw on my tl was a man shooting a fucking 15 year old. this man shot her 4 times in the chest because "she was trying to stab him".

that girl called the police for help because she was in trouble. the only reason she had a knife was to defend herself. but she ended up dead.

this is fucking disgusting. I don't want to leave the link to the video because i'm just getting sick thinking about it.
20 04,2021
smh finally after hard work he's gone now drop ur memes
27 02,2021
about question
so if yall haven't noticed mangago has had some updates. SO what are somethings that you liked/dislikes or wished that they put?

for me i don't really like that now everyone can upload chapters on to stories without getting admin permission. watch the drama go down because people can't leave shit that doesn't concern them alone. OH WELL THO
02 05,2021
about question
ok so a lot of yall misunderstood me. the way i worded it was not good. i am not anti-vaxx so pls don't say that I am.

again i'm sorry i didn't mean for it to cause even more misunderstanding so i'll report the questions or something so it doesn't get other more confused and stuff.

and don't come for fruity. they stated their opinion in case yall forgot. and pls don't come under here and tell me how it is i don't give a fuck. we all know that getting a vaccine is the best thing to do.

let's all be the better person and move on because i think we all made our points here.
28 04,2021
about question
if you say “men are trash” you’re dumb lol. your TASTE in men is trash. don’t generalize the male population. there’s good guys out there, you just haven’t met Tenya Iida /c
25 04,2021
yall these "superstraights" are reaching at this point like just admit that your transphobic smh and the ph colors they are all just clowns.
LMAO and half of them are super single too.
"the boys" will do anything but go to therapy.
08 03,2021
they are taking off hxh, death note, ohshc, and they already took off aot. LIKE BRUH just to put some normie ass shows the only reason why i'm still using netflix is so i can watch naruto
02 03,2021
about writing
so if you WANT to support authors from stories that you like then try this yall. so if the story is on lezhin then you can go to and it gives you temporary email addresses.

so you use that to make a new account for lezhin. and as yall know lezhin gives you 5 coins for free when it's a new account. so your able to buy a new chapter or whatever. and then you'd make a new account if you want to read another chapter

the process it somewhat tiring but it's worth it well at least to me. that's how i'm reading a man of virtue
19 04,2021
i hate it when people tell someone that is bisexual that they are straight "because they are in a straight relationship" the same thing goes for if a bi girl is dating another girl. they aren't lesbian they are bi for god's sake.

some people are so quick to tell someone their own sexuality.

and don't get me started with the people that say being bi means you only like girls and boys. like who gon break it to you. there is more that one gender. being bi isn't restricted to only liking a guy or a girl. and same thing with preference.

chile you can be bi and have a preference for males and vice versa.

omw to drop kick the cishets.
23 05,2021
i'm this close to leaving rp twt. i tweeting something and some mf really said to "hurry up and fuck them".

mind you i've stated that mun is a MINOR and i don't do nsfw. i didn't respond because i didn't want to be rude but like i have no idea now to address it with them
30 04,2021
yall know that person who was saying they weren't a pedo but would touch a kid to see them squirm?

yea they blocked me.

they told me to kms in a ditch and proceeded to say i have no education and used the f-slur against me....

well i think their account got suspended or something oh well tho
04 04,2021
ok i can't seem to get this through my head at all. like why do people on tiktok and twitter publicly bash ccs when they do something wrong and scream till they get an apology. like.....

i get that they are trying to "educate them" but spreading hate, harassing, sending death threats, and doxxing people is not the correct way to do it, as we have seen many times.

and then when they get that apology they say "it was too rushed" or "they sound like they don't mean it" well no shit, yall were pressuring them to give you an apology and now that they do yall don't want it.

these people preach against hate but they are spreading it like LMFAO WHAT?

not saying that ccs shouldn't be held accountable, just saying that people need to stop trying to play savior and actually educate them so they can see their mistakes and actually apologize correctly, not because they have thousands of people forcing them to.

by doing that they can't even make an apology that they actually thought long and hard abt because of the people forcing them to come out with one. which causes further miscommunications.

and no one is telling yall to accept the apology either, but some will continue to harass with the excuse of "we are just educating them" pls, educate yourself before you try and do it to others.

PLS my wording is not great so don't get mad if you see something that you don't like
08 05,2021
ok so i started to listen to kpop in like november and i want to stan some more groups of course im very main stream so i like bts and yea but i also like stray kids and txt but either than that i don't stan any other groups. so can yal recommend some groups and some songs i put my playlist so yall can see there is a lot of bts and it's ling so don't judge
27 01,2021
^^here's the test it's a little long so sorry :/

so mine is enneagram 4 the individualist and it's one of the rarest ones ig LMAO that report called me out in so many ways
28 04,2021
about lmao
has anyone been getting messages in their dms by a user named sam asking to "try a hentai game" and their pfp LMAO. i'll post a ss under this so yall can see
18 06,2021
i saw this on yt while i was scrolling and i think their might be a new season of ohshc. it's not official but they were talking abt it so i'll leave the link so yall can see. /safe
28 04,2021
for me it was my adv orchestra performance and i was first chair violin and i was looking at the crowd.

I thought that people were calling me from the crowd so i was looking but when i turned back around everyone in the orchestra was standing up.

04 04,2021
when yall go to mangago like type it in the search bar and press enter does it take you to the homepage for like 5 sec then it redirects to instagram??

i had to use my regular browser for it to work and not do that. ugh now i have to delete history.
22 06,2021