ushijima'sthickthighs's question page 1 (78)

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about question
lemme just lighten up the mood. did yall see gabbie hanna trending on twitter. LMAO she's reaching at this point. why is she trying to make herself a victim. she's just mad that no one likes her "poetry"

and that picture PLS she couldn't spell irrelevant correctly. i'll drop the link so you can see.
20 04,2021
any tips to like stay motivated and like not distracted when doing hw and studying.

i am a heavy procrastinator and i have an F in ap geography because i didn't do the assignments. but i can't focus and stuff.

anything is good yall thank you in advance.
25 04,2021
so like i saw so people arguing on tiktok on whether kurama (the nine tails from naruto) or sukuna (from jjk) would win in a fight.

people were saying sukuna but i'm curious who would yall think would win??
20 05,2021
i almost had a stroke i even created a haikyuu rp account on twitter so i wouldn't be bored. spring break was hell
04 04,2021
lmao there's no video but i'm sure yall saw that whole thing with me.

turns out it was one of my bitch ass friends and i really didn't know about it. So i'm sorry if yall got annoyed. she said she deleted her account so yea. i'll comment under this with the receipts in case yall don't believe me

thank you for your valuable time LMAO
18 03,2021
about question
so like lately i've been obsessed with 'the cult of dionysus' by the orion experience. so i wonder if yall could give me song and bands similar to them.

or anything in the whole alternative/indie genre. thank you in advance
01 05,2021
lmao I'M TIRED like it's embarrassing to see that a lot of those "super straights" thinking they are doing something here. all they are doing is being transphobic. Like do yall realize that you can't create a sexuality because of your "preference". LMAO do you know how dumb you sound. Super straights are literally mocking the lgbt community with their super straight nonsense.

Sure if your have a preference in this case you don't want to date a trans person that's fine. But creating a whole new "sexuality" based on a preference. yea no. Like what are yall doing.....

The thing is that these super straights don't see trans women as women they see them as men. and creating the whole super straight thing because of that reason is transphobic. but they can't seem to get that in their little brains.

At this point they just trying to be apart of something. smh
18 03,2021
about question
ok those people saying that spreading awareness is wrong let me just put my two sense into it.

yall saying that it's a joke and telling people to be safe is just making people worry for no reason. But news flash there are some real psychos in this fucking world and who knows what they will do.

we all know that this was originally a joke but social media has an influence on everyone. and who knows what crazy mfs are going to participate in this. there is no harm in telling people to stay inside just in case.

i know that a lot of people have been causing misinterpretations and worry to a lot of people. but there is nothing wrong with telling someone to stay safe.

even if this started as a joke i hope yall know that it's not going to be funny and never will be.
25 04,2021
about question
the guy that killed george floyd was found guilty here yall go
20 04,2021
can yall drop some banger tweet ideas. it could be about anything idrc.

i have to keep my following "entertained" and i'm to unoriginal and uncreative to make something up myself. i don't even know what people follow me atp
21 06,2021
about crying
ik this site had to be suspended due to technical reasons but let this be a lesson to you mfs on here that are spreading this site's name and being careless, one day this site is going to get taken down and we are all going to be assed out. so unless you don't want it to happen then don't talk abt this site on tiktok/twitter or any social media for that fact. and those of you saying "it's been on here since 2014 it's not going anywhere" doesn't mean that it can't be taken down. look what happened to kissanime. (rest in peace) just thought that I would say that because ik there is going to be some of you that are going to say that. and take this time to write and screenshot your reading list and stuff in case this does happen.
16 03,2021
notice how ships like kuroo and tsukki or kuroo and bokuto aren't that popular? well that's because you can't hyper feminize either one of them like kuroo and kenma etc.

not saying that should be shipping them in the first place. i've just noticed this with the haikyuu fandom. yikes
28 04,2021
like bro i haven't seen any esfp like me i like mostly see infp of whatever it's called
21 02,2021
like is it just me or do yall like for example if your computer isn't loading do you pretend to be nice to it thinking it's going to work faster. or even the opposite like getting mad so it will go faster. PLS i need help
07 04,2021
is it just me or does everyone like check their response to questions are just like under manga constantly to see how likes and dislikes you got. like is their something wrong with me. i check everything religiously. just for like any bit of attention.
lmao maybe it's cuz i have no life
i'm sorry i sound like i have a huge ass ego
probably cuz i do
anyways i can't hear some bops on spotify cuz they were deleted like WHAT i want to listen to p1harmony yall.
02 03,2021
oooh i see the fans are back on mangago. man yall this site just got back up none of us want this drama anyways.
like take it to the dms or something because tbh not one person on here gives a fuck about yalls petty ass drama. you know who i'm talking abt so please leave thank you !
04 04,2021
ok i'm going to be straight forward with this and ik a lot of people are probably not going to like me after this but yall really need to hear this.

there have been TONS of post about how "women who read bl are automatically fetishizers"

yall do know what it means to fetishize right? fetishization of mlm and wlw is when someone thinks that homosexuality is OK in fiction but still shames gay people IRL.

and half the people on here don't do that so stop using fetishizer as a buzzword.

You can't go around calling someone like that just because you don't like the content that they either create or like.

also just because someone define as hetrosexual doesn't mean that they can't enjoy mlm or wlw content. sexuality has always been fluid.

but if they only think of it good as fiction and are hateful towards those type of people irl then that's when you can consider them fetishizers.

so stop throwing around that word thinking that you are doing something.

i am in no way, shape, or form trying to defend fetshization. I am saying to stop accusing those who read bl or are just here to enjoy the mlm or wlw content that they are automatically fetishizers . because a lot of those people have no malicious intent behind it.

so don't my words twisted and start to accuse me of doing so.
08 04,2021
about question
i see i attracted many people here. so what i said was a lie but come one guys GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER. yall really out here bashing people for watching it when you probably have too. then telling the to die is even worse. like yall have no right to tell someone that it is fucking disgusting. then saying "it's cp" bruh THEY ARE LINES LITERAL LINES. yall too busy defending lines instead of people that actually go through this. where all the energy that you have when fighting people about it. in the end is just a fucking anime so grow up and stop bashing people. they are not bothering you. unless they are all up in your face about it the that's another story.
17 02,2021
So one day I was eating my apple jacks then i got horny all of a sudden. So i decided to rub my apple jacks on my bussy for some unknown reason. The coldness of the milk almost made me cum. But good thing i didn't. And if yall didn't know I'm a flexible ass bitch so i took this opportunity to lick my own pussy. and guess what it tasted like apple jacks. I couldn't stop licking it because it tasted so good. The pleasure was immense and I couldn't help but scream as I reached my well awaited climax. And trust me it felt so good I almost passed out. what a world. i definitely recommend yall do this. 10/10 experience.
23 04,2021