Kafka's answer page 1 (33)

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your english is shit. the whole point of language is communication, and you failed. dumbass   9 reply
15 10,2020
about have sex
06 09,2020
they do it because it gets them off, duh. it's like you think only straight people are guilty of fetishizing others. if you get off to porn, you're fetishizing what you're watching. straights, gays, pan-fuckers, etc all watch porn. do you find that disgusting too? this is not a question that needed asking. you could've just said you found it disg......   1 reply
06 09,2020
say someone else's name right as they're cumming ...   reply
01 10,2020
this is bullshit lmao. your points are semi-believable, but this reads like a by-the-book conspiracy theory. no actual proof ("trust me bro" isn't proof), mixing in some true stuff here and there to make it more palatable, no available info on any of your claims = cover up. other dubious stuff: > you'll never guess what i uncovered o-o (obvious cl......   2 reply
04 09,2020
i'm an asexual person who actively seeks out sexual manga to read. i prefer subtext and sexual tension to actual sex though   1 reply
10 09,2020
13 09,2020
havana ooh na-na   reply
13 09,2020
19 09,2020
you must be new here lol   reply
19 09,2020
my hand   reply
25 11,2020
21 09,2020
so "they want to be a guy so they can be gay" but "think trans people don't exist." this level of confusion/fetishization should be illegal.   reply
21 09,2020
that's messed up. you shouldn't be reading porn at 8. kids are impressionable, they're just gonna get confused about how shit really works   reply
07 09,2020
Not every gender identity is valid. Micro-labels are iffy, but they can still be useful for some people. "Genders" like circumgender and caelgender, on the other hand, are just pure bs. The fact that some LGBTQ+ people are willing to embrace them is pretty fucking harmful to the cause, imo. If EVERYTHING is valid, then you've rendered the very conc......   3 reply
30 11,2020
i wanna see more sadomasochism (not bdsm though). seeing people getting turned on by being hurt or hurting others, especially in a fight, is   1 reply
21 09,2020
Yeah, we're just vastly outnumbered.   reply
29 11,2020
yeah, but it's pretty disgusting. all the fetishes here are too tame for me to feel comfortable sharing my own. but for my peudo fetishes (things i like but don't get me off) i love hardcore combat sadism and masochism. like when someone has an orgasm after they kill someone else. mmm. only in fiction though   reply
05 10,2020
wouldn't be surprised if you were her looking for some extra attention   reply
21 11,2020
29 11,2020
Is it worth the risk? It might be safer to stay in the closet. If your parents think that LGBTQ people are disgusting, how would coming out to them benefit you if it's likely they won't accept you? I think the strongest reason to come out to LGBTQ-phobic parents is if you're trans and can't continue to live in a way antagonistic to your identity. I......   reply
29 11,2020
ngl i prefer the 4chan community to this one. sure they're all terrible people, but at least they aren't 12. i miss the days when users on here would be bashed for being minors, now they seem to be the majority (or at least a vocal minority)   1 reply
23 09,2020
yuh. not a girl but i've seen plenty on this site talk about how they masturbate to yaoi. a lot more were willing to admit it in the past (i've been on this site for a while)   reply
27 10,2020
about question
you contradicted yourself with #3 and #5. if yaoi doesn't accurately represent gay couples, why should yaoi guys be called gay couples? #1 sounds like you're just trying to victimize yourself, the collective experiences of lgbtq+ peeps are not necessarily centered around oppression. #4 i don't see the problem with calling yourself a fujoshi/fudans......   1 reply
20 11,2020