Hi hi here to answer
1. I don't really wish to be a gay man since im non-binary but I do wish I looked like a lot of the tops though cause my current appearance doesnt match who I am inside
2. I don't really mind fem character until the author very obvi makes it seem like the fem is the woman in the relationship when the whole point about being ga...... reply
Childhood crushes:
This little asshole right here
Honorable mentions: Puck from sisters grimm, that little prick had a grip on my heart, and of course Soul Eater Evans
Most recent:
and of course the love of my life maki reply
im a dom female and there were really no mangas depicting healthy relationships between dominatrixes and male subs(there are still really none)so i went to yaoi took one look at shell overlord and oH BOY reply
honestly no idea, probs my dad but idk ive never been close enough with anyone to actually love them(well actually maybe one person but they ended up fucking me over), my family isnt very close and i have a really hard time taking down my walls reply
Future diary, i started it and I got pretty far in but yuno just ruins the entire thing, I have never hated and never will hate an anime character as mush as I do her, I refuse to finish it and/or ever watch it again reply
i thought when people kissed at their wedding it just like fell out and like smacked into the ground. Like I knew they came from the cucci from day one but idk, because of this i had many dreams about cinderella getting married and then just a baby plopping out and hitting the ground with like a wet smack. reply