Someone's answer (8)

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Someone 21 05,2020
Never officially dianogsed but like 100% i got depression and dunno but I think I lowkey have anxiety too. Honestly aside from like the basic negative outlook on life, suicidal thoughts and a dose of minimal self harm. The biggest way depression affects me is the lack of motivation to do anything -> procrastination, lack of appetite, and social iso......   2 reply
21 05,2020
First panic, freak out, maybe scream Second die of worry and cry Third wonder which gender I'm now attracted to and weather I'm gay or not Fourth if I'm gay am I uke or seme?   1 reply
15 04,2017
about penpals
I may be awkward lol but add me, line ID is lost_panda   1 reply
25 09,2019
about penpals
Hi! I want to join too! My ID is lost_panda   reply
02 08,2018
about penpals
Someone 02 08,2018
I want to join! ID is lost_panda   reply
02 08,2018
If my brother saw me I would try to play it cool and since I know he used to read hentai and look at a few hentai games (he doesn't know that I know this, only know cause of history and recently colsed tabs thing). So I would basically just use it against him. But if any of my other family members saw me I wouldn't know what to do. If it was my lit......   1 reply
29 06,2016
my ancestor's disappointment   4 reply
21 05,2020
A fucking mess, like when something catches on fire and you try to put it out with a pillow or something and instead add fuel to the fire   reply
21 05,2020