M.J.'s answer (5)

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Girl we are our harshest critics! I’m sure you do NOT look like a dying pig as they are all wrinkly and hairy and dirty, so do not put yourself down like that!! Fake it till you make it, remind yourself how hot and swag you are and eventually your perception of yourself WILL change   reply
24 07,2021
So many times my brother used to drown me when we were kids bc he was bigger than me and this one time I fell off a raft and it floated over me and bc I never learned to swim started drowning until sumone reached under to pull me out and onto the raft   reply
24 07,2021
Lmfaoooo I turned the volume off on my computer cuz I normally scroll thru twitter on there and the videos be hella loud and i join my Meeting while i was on a group call with sum of my mates and we started talking ab the amount of fingers i can fit up my ass and the teacher kicked me from the call and rang my parents to tell them what id said   reply
29 01,2021
Oh my gods yes my worst mistake too because a friend of mine told her I liked her and she started flirting with me and I could not even look at her withought my brain panicking we went out after like a week of knowing each other and then broke up like three weeks later   reply
24 07,2021
I already knew   reply
24 07,2021