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about periods
Solaria(also called The Solarian Nation):
The Largest Nation in Tavern(The world) A Western Eroupnen based place, Most of Solaria are humans (Yingyue, Rin, Ari, Korurteny, the list goes on) but there are small minorities (beast-men, Elves, Nyphmes and others I can't think of.) but yeah most of them are humans.

The Emporer which is more of a tyrant once had a fiance but she ran away a day before the wedding. He does have a past with this woman, Which I will not explain now. Also On the topic of the Emporer, he has 5 sons but 2 are dead. the original heir to the throne was a woman, Rin's only actual relative and his sister. but thanks to the king she was "killed" (She really committed suicide but her best friend took the blame for it and he was lucky to just get away with banishment) The The first prince died of a wound infection shortly after, the second prince died of the "flower disease" (which I will explain later because it has to do with the king) only leaving the at the time 8-year-old Rin and his youngest sibling that he didn't really like the 4th prince. So now he is the "nice, but totally oblivious of his privilege, with sorta anger issues thanks to everyone around him but he's really just a good guy-" prince. (Not to mention the only magic user in the royal family)

Back to the topic of solaria, it's self, the Most amount of magical people live there(Which won't make sense when I get to the rest of the nations), but magical people are sorta pressed a lot in solaria most people think they are just demons in disguise people with powers are often denied service at some places, are most of them don't have jobs. That's why the alliance is a thing. a safe place for magic users. they are used almost as soldiers to go in between the kingdom to keep the peace. but a lot of alliance members abuse their power, and because they are more powerful than regular people they can push people around. so who's really oppressed? The 4th prince made the idea when he was 10 it was acted upon a year later and now he is I charge of it.

By the way, I don't know why I need to add this but solaria were in a 200-year war that had just ended recently. (after a huge ass conflict with the government in Wedward another nation, just realized how ridiculous these names are) Solaria Won. because solaria are very good with their military.

I need to talk about the religion so I remember. There are 4 main gods. the ones most people depend on the most because the other gods are under those gods.
The god of chaos
The god of time (time is cruel to everyone)
the god of life and death (There petty, the whole reason the flower disease happened and most everything happened is because of her!)
The Unknown god. (*cough* partially the unknown god is like everything else not relating to time, chaos, and life and death which would you believe it is close to nothing most likely light and the opposite of chaos because they appeared in human history around the same time the god of time, was always there and the god of life and death was second) The god of life and death was based with solaria. which is the reason for the huge state in the castle

OMG THIS WAS WAY TO MUCH AND I'M NOT EVEN DONE! because I need to take a break, see yall in two days
13 01,2021
(This is going to be a habit of mine)

People can like shotacon without being pedos....stupid right, everyone should know this.

I know myself, i hate it. It's disgusting, I just almost read one I should know.

And I cannot express to you enough how much I hate it but that's not what I'm here to talk about.

The shotacon I'm talking about isn't one with dark themes. I'm talking about the ones that are (sadly) unapologetically shotacon. Actually pedophilia in general (Never though i would say that)

While yes, A lot of people who enjoy shotacon may sexualize it and that was already past the line. I do think that If you like reading shotacon, Sure go ahead. I'm not the police, You can do whatever you like. In the end It's just context.

But I do hope all you people who like shotacon read it for a reason besides getting turned on and just for readings sake or a reason close to that.

Just please don't

-Sexualize it, or get off to it (That's nasty)

-Use the "it's just fiction" card.(No one wants to hear it)

-Glorify it or normalize it (Well, You better not go out into the real world and hold it at the same stranded as fiction. but at the same time I feel like if you don't hold it accountable in the fiction you may never hold it to the same degree in real life...but that's a topic for another day)

-Argue with people who dislike it (I cannot stress this enough if someone dislikes something they are fully entitled to their opinion and if it's morally wrong they have double that entitlement. If you argue with someone about it makes you part of the problem to why this isn't okay. ignore it like a normal person.)

Thanks for coming to my bullshit ted-talk

(also I feel like people don't have a problem with it because it doesn't effect them which is weird)

I wanted to add more points Because I think it's more necessary. But for some reason couldn't come up with the words.
06 02,2021
Who was more selfish raven queen, or, apple white (ever after high.)

(imo it's apple, no one went 'poof' and raven is doing just fine, the only reason she wants her to sign is so she can have her good destiny. No one else's)

Ik it's dumb but i really want to know
08 05,2021
All the guys look like 40 year old pedophiles or fetuses? And all the other schools have the finest men I have ever seen.
08 11,2023
It can be something they did to you, or someone else. whatever they did.
My Mom Ate her dog once it died, ad told us it tasted good, That's the one thing that came to mind. but there are much worse examples
03 02,2021
I Have no idea why I am asking.

But who was your favorite in ever after high or monster high?
24 01,2021
about question
what was your favorite barbie movie? (If you've watched any.)
05 05,2021
about drawing
We are for some reason still going over the drama here
10 02,2021
about writing
It wasn't a secret that Yingyue adores his child.
He was the last of them anyways.
The child Is Extremely attached to Yingyue as well.
They are rarely ever seen apart. If Ying Yue isn't carrying the small boy in his arms, the boy is usually nearby playing. It was understandable why he protected the boy so much. (plot-point-ish) There was even a rumor the child was his actual son, and autumn was the mother. Of course, that would never happen.
But over almost a Year Yingyue had noticed some peculiar things about the boy. The child was remarkably quiet and unbothered. The child often Bit his skin leaving long-lasting marks and cuts when stressed. And Because Yingyue Had realized long ago the kid couldn't hear well, it was odd the kid knew how to speak when never being taught how to. often saying
Meaning "Father"
That wasn't Solarian It was Noonian. They were nowhere near Nooniua. So Who taught the boy to speak?
Acassionly The Boy Seems a bit off putting. He stares right above Yingyue's shoulder most of the time, so times He bites his skin, sometimes He gets so frightened he cries. It often worried Yingyue That The child was seeing something he couldn't. Yingyue Was even more concerned, How sometimes seems to be playing with someone even though there is no one there.
When he expressed His Worry Autumn And Jiru they both dismissed it as the child's imagination.
"Maybe he has a scary imaginary friend?" Autumn said
"Yeah, Why are you being like this?" Jiru Added.
Yingyue Doubts that they were wrong, But he doesn't rule out the option of it being himself. (He does have a reason for it)

This worry only seems to grow as he gets older.

Is What they liked to call the Child, Yingyue Never gave him an official name because he was bad at naming. When The Child was old enough, he would choose a name for himself. (Ryuu) The Child was Now eight and to no one's surprise, the family only grew bigger. the kid now had two older siblings and one younger. They were all completely different from him. They were quite loud and active. They all seemed to be extremely smart as well. Sometimes Rain's only friend Rae Comes over, She Will often fawn over gifts Yingyue never got for Rain. And Rain didn't tell him where they came from.

Whenever Rain writes It seems to be about someone else. an example would be one day when Rain brought a poem he made to Yingyue.

Rain Raises up the paper to Yingyue's face. Rain Had neat handwriting for his age. It was in cursive which was not how he normally wore.
Yingyue Read the poem.
It was almost a perfect poem describing Leah. Leah had been dead for years, and when she was alive, Rain was much too young to remember what she looked like.
The poem portrayed an almost fairy-like girl With Coral rose hair, bright turquoise eyes, and her trademark mood-changing flower on her head.
Although It came off as more shock and disbelief this was almost confirmation that something was clearly wrong and he wasn't seeing It.

(Fuck it, I made this a horror story kinda and now I actually have a plot...sort of)
09 02,2021
I just want to know
19 06,2021
I've noticed that most of the stories I read, Everyone has a better sense of style than I could ever have.

So what are some of the best outfits in general?
14 04,2021
about writing
Um... anyways
Seth Jerred "You're quite emotional today, my dear." He said those words inches away from his lips. Seth Began to Kiss Ryuu, pushing His Tougne In.
Seth looks at How Peaceful he couldn't help Kisses him again.

And again

And again

Ryuu Pounds his fist against the man.


And Again

No One sees Them, So Ryuu Glaces At Seth His Azure eyes meet Seth's Ruby Red eyes. There Was The Usual Lust Set In the tall man's eyes. Seth being Aggressive with him; Ryuu didn't know the source of his bad mood. He thought to Himself It may be better If he let the man have his way with him.

The Man Fully Sumbittied Himself to the kiss and let Seth do Whatsoever he wanted. He wrapped his head around his neck.

"S-eth." Ryuu mummer against his lips, His speech was desperate

"..." Seth Pulled away for a moment. It had been A while since they last did it. Ryuu's voice took Seth by surprise. Seth's Desire to ruin the shorter man had overcome him.

Seth grabbed Ryuu's arm, and they walked off into an abandoned room no one used. They Locked the door behind them. The Two continued on their make-out session, leaned up against a desk Seth encircled his arms around Ryuu's waist and gripped them tightly. Ryuu gave out a soft moan, Gripping His Brown hair in pleasure. Seth gave him quick kisses on his neck. The other man nearly began to whimper but held himself back.

Seth Smirked and Seemed to say. "You Taste so good, baby." Seth Pulled away. The Man Bit His Neck and kissed it passionately. Leaving Marks on it. Ryuu Held onto him even tighter "How does it Feel holding onto me like this and as I spoil your neck."

He hoarsely whispered into his ear. "Don't be shy now. Let me hear your voice." he went back to kissing Ryuu, and he couldn't contain it and gave out a loud moan. He quickly becomes conscious of the moan and covered his mouth.

Girl I made the whole thing, but cut is short because it's long.
And In the wise words of someone I know. "You see that? No of course you didn't because you didn't do shit, now go do something productive!"
05 02,2021
For me I think Abandoned Empress and Doctor Elise.
Most of the Isekai anime is pretty good.

But what about you?
10 02,2021
about periods
TW//Rape or implied Rape
He motioned his hands for him to stop but Seth didn’t. He once again ignored him. His voice stayed silent he wanted to scream, but couldn’t.only small whimpers, and choked up sobs. From what Seth said He was doing this for his good. His blue eyes were now filled with terror.
His whole body was shaking, Now THIS was what he feared. Seth paused for a moment a lifted Ryuu’s chin to his. (I’m losing brain cells help)Seth was much taller than he was. (Ryuu is 161cm so kinda short for a guy) he struggled a bit to break free. But to no use. Seth wrapped his hands around Ryuu’s wrist then tied a rope around his wrist.

He felt another hand move down at his waist. The man growled, “I was so scared when you left school and didn’t come to see me.” (I should probably explain. Seth means grinma a school Ryuu went to. Ryuu left that school 5 years ago, he was part of the reason he left.)Seth entered his body from behind, Ryuu stops struggling, he was overcome with anxiety, and out of strength. Seth was large enough to trap him in his arms so what was the point? He fell into deep despair once again. He wept face hidden.
It was painful
It was humiliating
later that night thinking the only one to blame was himself, he lied in Seth’s bed. He had suffered a lot in the past the only thing that kept him grounded now was his friends and family. He just wanted to drop dead (I probably shouldn’t word it like that but I did it already)maybe if he wasn’t the person he was things would’ve been different. Maybe he should’ve never been born. He curled into himself and started to cry again. His nose began to bleed once more. A little after his half-lidded eyes saw someone come into the room and come towards him
But almost in an instant, Ryuu fell asleep.

Don't @ me I know It sucks.
06 01,2021
about writing
He sat there in the drizzling rain. each cold droplet landing on the ground with a pitter-patter, even if he couldn't hear it he imagined the sound not loud but soft and serene. manages to lift his head just a bit. letting his upturned face catch the raindrops. A man with a long trench coat, an umbrella. stopped in front of the off guard Ryuu.
"Hello?" The man says.
he looks up to the man which looked more around his age.
"You seem cold, do you want a place to stay?" The man asks.
He only read his lips and it would be awkward to tell the man he couldn't quite hear what he was saying because he's deaf. so he didn't say anything and shook his head.
But to Ryuu surprised the man signed "Then why are you here?"
Ryuu just answered the question so the man would leave him alone "I'm waiting for someone here." he signed.
"You sure you're not cold?" he signed
"I"m sure." Ryuu looked down to the ground.
"So you would rather stay in the cold?"
No, he definitely wouldn't but he may be stupid but he wasn't that stupid to follow a stranger.
"I Don't know you, so leave me alone."He signed angrily.
Even if Ryuu didn't know him, the man knew him he was relieved that he didn't recognize him this was a new chance to start over.
"My name is Raymond, Raymond Finn."

(and then he and Raymond become friends blah blah blah.)
Because I'm not in the mood to write today and have to go do art homework I will take my leave for a couple of days. Bye
09 01,2021
There are a lot of candidates for worst ML, but i want to know who do you think is the worst ML?

(maybe FL too?)
07 05,2021
about writing
(I'm back, not for long I promised myself I would study but that never happened. instead I made 5 whole ass ending to the first oh~... so um this is the only one where i don't say whether he's dead or he isn't'll see. this will be long tho-)

[1]It’s Luca’s cat, but It can turn into a butterfly at will. Technically it’s dead, but we don’t talk about that. I think it’s kinda cool but it’s hard to explain it now. Also because she is a ghost she can go through walls and stuff.

Meanwhile, Luca was bored.
In the overworld, there were only a few people you were allowed to talk to. And those people were only there for your enjoyment. Shadows, if you want to call them that. Nothing but empty illusions.
He Was starting to realize how much he missed his old friend. As he thought about that last wish.

Never come back to see me.

If that was all Rain wanted, that wouldn’t have made sense. If he had housed him, clothed him, befriended him, Why would his wish to a divine not be something that anyone would wish?
To magically make up with his family?
To be cured of his Illness?

He tries not to feel disappointed, But just thinking about him made him disappointed.

I wonder How he’s doing?

The Sun must have just set in Wedward, But Because he wasn’t allowed to see him, he sent Lucia[1] Instead. Being able to see through her eyes. she goes to the district’s plaza. Maybe he could see his friend again.

It was overwhelmingly dark, and not a human in sight, The street lights painting the street in red. The Lights that were usually lit in the windows of shops were turned off.

Something’s not right.

Lucia Turns Into the alleyway Luca begins to reminisce about the city. This was where they had to go down to get to the building, but Luca remembers it to be a maze so he never left without the help of Rain to guide him through it. And Right now he needed his help because Lucia didn’t know where to go.

. . .

The alleyway making his head swirl, as well as the passage of time they had been circling the place for about an hour. Suddenly Lucia Heard footsteps and hid behind some grange. He looked around. It was hard to see in the dark, but he could see a figure, similar to a human but not at all, at the same time, Long, too slender, dark, and walking around. The figure tilted its head towards Lucia's direction, knowing that it had seen her. Lucia backs up into a building, slowly going through it. All of a sudden the figure lunged at her before it could touch her Lucia was already inside. To both of their surprise, they were in! (the building which I haven’t named)

That took longer than I expected.

The Music from the 1st floor was as loud as ever. Physically shaking the ground on the second floor. But If Luca had remembered correctly he needed to be on the third floor to get to the 11th room. Lucia looked around but for some reason where the stairs used to be it was just a balcony. (sorry I mean railing)

Was everything like this when I left

From the third floor, Luca heard the screams and cries for help from someone. But the voice was unfamiliar, followed by the sound of something breaking. Lucia turned around to see if there was any entrance but an ear-splitting shriek of the same voice that caught her attention. For a while, she stood there suspended in motion. It wasn’t until the sound of Luca’s voice broke her concentration.

“Find a way up there”.

She looked around for a bit.

Did you forget what you are?

Her instincts told her to change to a butterfly, and so the white cat did. It flew up onto the ledge of the balcony. And changed back to a cat once on the 3rd floor. The screaming had stopped, and Luca started to feel anxious.

Lucia turned right down the hallway but once again bread footsteps behind her. This time she didn’t turn back. She started walking faster and faster, almost running, the further down the hallway she got, the darker it got. The footsteps got closer and closer before she reached the end of the hallway and clumsily tripped herself into a random room.

The scent of something floral-filled the room, the scent of the room matched nothing to the state of the room. It was room 11, but it looked as if someone came and properly smashed the place up. And No sign of Rain. The worst part was that there was blood, everywhere.

Luca was overcome with fear that paralyzed him. As Lucia got Closer and Closer to the bathroom, It was clear Luca was becoming troubled. Images of something filled his mind. His lips trembled, vaguely remembering a promise that Rain had kept. He wouldn't break that promise.

Would he?

He clenched his fist but told Lucia to go inside.

Lucia only got halfway through the door before stopping at what she saw.

Luca was rapidly coming to the realization the body that was slumped over, the one that is bleeding out was the one of Rain. He thought he was having a nightmare or maybe it was a hallucination, but, nightmares didn't feel this real.

A huge look of terror comes upon Luca's face as all Lucia does is stare. He faces twist as memories flood back like an overflowing river. Rain's behavior in the way he wrote started to make sense.

Rain doesn't wake to see Lucia in the doorway, he doesn't dream at all and just sinks into an endless sea of darkness before a sliver of his eye cracks open.

And Luca awakes from his sleep. he had fallen asleep thinking about what happened after he left.

"What a horrible nightmare." he says before falling back asleep

(or was it?!!?!? dun Dun DUN! sorry I couldn't help but write this not gonna lie there is a much sadder one i started crying writing so be happy i chose this one, If you need context because this is a lot feel free to ask or not-)
I'll rewrite this one day, and make it sadder!
13 02,2021