i live in an asian household with parents that support lgbtqia+. but i think if they saw all the smut i have saved something unspeakable may happen to me reply
COFFEE!!!! or skip. i remember there was one arc in ORV that I honestly hated, but I powered through it with coffee lmao. but in all honestly, don't read it if it fails to interest you.
also, if you keep rereading the same part that you fall asleep at, of course you're gonna be bored. ur just reading the same thing again. ever thought that you're...... reply
defo trust ur gut in this situation, and avoid him as much as possible. maybe try keeping record of your encounters with him because keeping notes of even small interactions can be really helpful later on. honestly, i would say just go to the police, you dont have to wait till ur in a full-on crisis to reach out for help reply