Addiction0720's answer page 6 (430)

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I always upvote my answer bc of force of habit   reply
30 06,2021
about be lgbtq
goddamn   reply
15 05,2021
Ye I'm not clicking tht link   1 reply
03 07,2021
about question
damn i'm dazai? well shit, guess i'm going to be a criminal and then became a detective ig   reply
08 05,2021
about question
Take me to the hospital lmfaoo   reply
16 07,2021
Do i look like i give a fuxk?   reply
26 06,2021
about question
Addiction0720 30 05,2021
So we meet again   1 reply
30 05,2021
about question
When the first thing i see is 'UwU', i just know it's a joke   reply
28 05,2021
Tbh i honestly do not care, stuff like this is still confusing for me so I simply ignored it.   reply
03 06,2021
I'm thankful for the internet for meeting ppl like you, since i'm actually feel really unsafe/uncomfortable around my family especially my mom. Knowing pretty well that i'm Islam is also hard since i support LGBTQ+ and are apart of them [though, i'm still having identity & sexuality crisis]. Lately i also feel numb and tired all the time, the only ......   1 reply
03 06,2021
Y'all do realize Google exist right??? And also i'm a minor tf???   2 reply
29 05,2021
I never date so i never really get cheated on but if it's like friends tht backstab me well it's alot ¯_(ツ)_/¯   reply
29 05,2021
can u f do it in msg? not on literally a manga/manhwa/manhua site?   1 reply
01 07,2021
about question
Hm? Explain what hun? Please be more specific   1 reply
02 06,2021
15 05,2021
I both love and hate mean bitches characters, especially shinobu and bakugou   reply
03 06,2021
about eat food
Addiction0720 27 05,2021
OkAy-   reply
27 05,2021
Ay   reply
20 05,2021
Addiction0720 29 05,2021
Ayo wtf, why can't my brain stop imagining these kind of fucking stuff-   reply
29 05,2021