SOPASOUPSOUP ✦ すーぷ's answer page 1 (28)

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booooooo booooo tomato tomato you lesbophobic ass   reply
22 10,2024
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I'm not american, and i don't live in the US but because whatever happens in the US directly affects third world countries (specially south america) so, I too, am freaking out, to be honest I've been wanting to avoid news for a while because every time i hear abt something Trump is doing i feel so much despair and also anxiety i'm very sorry you ......   reply
04 02,2025
about question
girl, i think you need to chill out for a bit (i want too)   2 reply
28 11,2023
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i despise avocados   4 reply
06 01,2025
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28 12,2024
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reading bl, like i know after every minor inconvenience i need to read stuff in order for me to be happy (at least for a while) before returning to reality i also always mask my emotions and avoid stuff, if im sad or i want to cry, i'll act like i'm angry or smth so i can walk away and ppl leave me alone so i can go cry without anyone knowing, i p......   reply
01 10,2024
about question
THE PATH OF STAR UGH NEITHER THE ARTIST OR THE AUTHOR SAY ANYTHING ABT IT, i know the novel is completed but there's no translation and there's no novel raws CRYING, it's so fucking good, it's my favorite manhwa I EVEN BOUGHT IT ALL LEGALLY AND STILL NOTHING UGHH kms also Please Leave My House i......   reply
23 01,2025
about question
something that def helps me is practicing with a friend or a wall or a plushie or whatever, do it as if it was the real deal, and if you can do it several times also holding stuff in your hand can help, like you could use a pointer, a pen, etc. (if your teacher lets you) and try integrating into your movements. talking abt movements, try moving (w......   1 reply
22 01,2025
about question
if the eyelashes or another part of the face is too weird/detailed even more if the face is very normal and just one aspect is very detailed, it irks me so much, ig i can bear some of them but other are really a NO for me and drop them lmao also if characters in general are too pale, im not talking abt like 1 or 2 characters, but like everyone be......   reply
11 11,2024
about question
1. LITTLE MUSHROOM (yeah i know it has a manhua adaptation but idgaf) the book is so GOOD, it's a fucking masterpiece. Little Mushroom is a story about humanity and what really means to be human. Is ensuring the survival of human beings really preserving humanity? It delves into kindness, love, loss, hopelessness, and much more without feeling utte......   reply
08 11,2024
about question
the roast omg??? but yeah thats me   reply
12 days
about question
im pretty sure there are still small glasses, i personally use medium/big glasses bcs small makes my face look so damn big and round, while the bigger ones ig makes it more balanced? plus, because my prescription is high my eyes look small, so w smaller glasses my eyes seem even smaller it's just a preference though, both my parents use small g......   reply
08 02,2025
about lmao
um interesting fact i'm graduating in a week yet i'm here doing this instead of a presentation due tomorrow LMAO also my hair is more curly and i love mitski   reply
26 10,2023
about question
i dont currently have one but i have had several huawei phones and they are pretty good, the trifold one is more of a tablet i think tho, and it's expensive af from what i heard in general i love huawei so much LMAO their phones are very lasting (at least they have been for me), and the camera/storage are good too, the problem may be when looking ......   1 reply
22 01,2025
about question
um mrs. s was our spanish/literature teacher during 7th, 8th and 9th grade in my school, at the start she always seemed cool yet strict but man, she was hell. she would always humilliat students and scream at students, also she had like 16 years woking at out school when i was in 7th grade (i graduated this years so it's like 21 years now) and she ......   1 reply
16 11,2023
about question
08 12,2024
about question
i just microsoft edge // default browser on my phone LMAO nobody in my family uses it (edge) and whenever someone needs to use my phone or computer they always use chrome so i never have issues plus if you use bing u get point w every search and can exchange for robux   2 reply
23 08,2024
01 02,2025