IVAN. its still unknown whether this character were dead or still alive, but EVERYONE TREATS HIM LIKE HE'S DEAD
its already been 3 months since his last content and im still grieving over him
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Do you mean some character that people would obsessed with if they were irl?
IT WOULD BE IVAN OFCCCC (sorry im actually the one who's obsessed with him).
He's hot AND cute, have a nice voice, tall, good fashion style, he likes sweets (and that sounds cute), and he's damn rich.
The only doomed side he has is he's too obsessed with Till (he's very...... 3 reply
Hyunwoo from ALNST.
Isn't it crazy that i search hyunwoo on pinterest but all i got is this picture and the rest is ivan. Like okay, i LOVE ivan sm but hyunwoo
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Will ppl attack me if i say 'Shota Oni'
It was my favorite, like i would reread it everytime i got nothing to read. But lately (or last time i read it) the chapter makes me feel very uncomfy, the kid never grew up to teen or wtv and has already been talking abt the adult thing somehow
Idk if Yuu already solve it by explaining or set boundaries, b...... 1 reply