Chocopops's answer page 2 (38)

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No cause otaku refers to someone who's obsessed with something. It doesnt have to be anime, can be games, computers, idols, robots, you name it. Animers even tho i have never heard of that term before but It's obvious it's exclusively about anime. So yeah, they're completely different   reply
27 05,2021
27 06,2021
Using chloroform doesn't always do the job tho. Depending on the person, they might wake up sooner than you'd like them to   3 reply
27 06,2021
about question
Am i mentally stable enough to watch this? No. But am i going to go ahead and watch it anyways? Yes. Yes i will because im a responsible adult and aint no youtube video can effect me   reply
12 06,2021
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I'm getting too addicted to this picrew thing lmao   reply
15 06,2021
i'm born and raised as a muslim. and i do consider myself as such and i do everything that's related to worship in our religion. however. i'm gay af lmao! well i'm bi but i only consider myself as such cause i still find guys attractive. however i have no intentions of dating one. if that makes any sense? anyways i'm not sure if i'm still qualified......   2 reply
12 06,2021
about question
Pretty close ig   reply
12 06,2021
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Ore ni koi shite dousunda. Honestly, i dont remember the story much but i remember that i read it back in highschool and the fact that it was dropped ruined my entire week. I never reread it again because i was too salty. So i'd love to have it continued so I can finish reading it and heal my inner teenager   reply
10 08,2023
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No idea what this score means but i'm offended by being compared to peter pan out of everyone else   reply
23 07,2024
Wish i was that good looking tho   reply
23 08,2024
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This is pretty much how i look like irl   2 reply
14 06,2021
about question
I'm very introverted and kinda have no fashion sense so i tend to just wear hoddies all the time. I love short hair so i always cut my hair short but sometimes i want to have it long. Also want to dye my hair however my hair is extremely weak so if i did it'll just all fall off. But if i could dye it, i'd dye it purple. Basically this is me being m......   reply
13 06,2021
Now why this picture out of every other possible one?   reply
06 09,2024
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03 05,2024
Good thing i'm not in America cause wtf   1 reply
03 05,2024
about question
Rn I mostly read Danmei novels. Then when i take a break i'll go read fantasy/isekai manhwas + read the updates of the bl comics i already follow.   reply
14 05,2021
I was the farthest thing from a teacher's pet. I used to be homeschooled my whole life until 9th grade which made me very introverted. I barely spoke or joked around which made me not very liked by my classmates and also teachers found me annoying for some reason even tho i literally did nothing. One teacher even would intentionally call me out in ......   1 reply
27 05,2021
He's a bratty bottom Couldnt find the facial hair and hair color tho   reply
26 06,2021
I'm arab and honestly think there are probably a lot of arabs here they just don't say anything for fear of being like found out irl. Imo it's better to not share personal info especially if you're still underage which i know for a fact most of the people here are. Always be careful on the internet   1 reply
06 05,2024
15 06,2021
This is fun so i took it however don't self diagnose guys! If you ever feel down or tired mentally please reach out to someone be it a friend or a therapist! Therapists actually do help make you feel better. I used to go to one before but stopped cause i didn't want my fam to worry. But it did help! So please always reach out and know you're not al......   reply
15 06,2021