LGtfo's answer (14)

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Please stop using unethical chat bots and make some real friends :c   8 reply
29 05,2024
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Well yeah they obviously do enjoy them since the featured is mostly BL. It’s normal for your feelings to change on something, you can’t expect a person to be the completely the same after 3 years. I read it since I find it more interesting than het relationships. Most of the ones here are average but there are some real gems.   1 reply
04 11,2023
Would you rather they be one dimensional? I don’t see what the issue is in attempting to explain why a character is the way they are. And wouldn’t you want characters to have depth? That’s what makes a story interesting.   1 reply
14 days
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Racism bad   reply
28 02,2024
Straight guys are attracted to women bruh they most likely won’t fap to it unless one of the characters is super feminine looking. And to answer your question of should they, they’re free to read whatever they want. Why restrict someone from reading a genre? And not all BL has porn   1 reply
07 11,2023
Idc personally. Never really seen that happen   2 reply
08 11,2023
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It’s only $3 for nitro basic. It’s not hard to get at all. Also, your friend talks to weirdos to get nitro? they should be careful   2 reply
25 02,2024
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Probably akechi x p5 main couple or any mxtx main couple   1 reply
19 days
Walls of text with no paragraph separations or very chunky paragraphs. First person POV. The fandoms I like never have x reader stuff and I don’t get the appeal but I notice it with newer stuff like jujutsu kaisen or genshin. Do young people like self inserting themselves into the fic these days?   reply
23 01,2024
The amount of people answering thisyall are really in highschool huh   reply
09 05,2024
This was an interesting read about how it affects families. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/mj5trb/sons_of_prostitutes_how_do_you_feel_about_what/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf   2 reply
18 04,2021
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Not really. If you get bored then just skip that part? No one is forcing you to read the sex scene   reply
12 05,2024
Reposting my answer cuz I replied to wrong comment ;-; idk what these people are talking about. If you look at old color spreads, she had paler skin. the anime mistakenly made her skin tan. They changed it in the timeskip to match the manga. And oda said in a q&a that her real world nationality equivalent would be Russian   1 reply
05 11,2023
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Nope, bring on the smut. 10 chapters in a row plz. Jk I’ve never felt icked by a sex scene tho. I’m usually like “damn author did a great job”. But if u switch between being okay with it and being grossed out by it then maybe it’s a hormone thing lol. Sex is not something I feel negatively about. Dreading it does sound kinda strange tho,......   reply
12 days