Nish♡'s answer page 1 (69)

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Bruh, y'all people here havin some real weird ass history with therapists-- Imma just sit back n chille   reply
29 01,2021
Hold up- Oh, here's the attention you ordered   reply
03 05,2021
about question
I pray to god this kind of life never finds me   reply
14 days
Well yeah, I was 10 years old when I slept on my big brothers (cousin) lap while travelling on the car, I woke up midway and caught him groping my breasts. But because I'm no main character with overflowing confidence I just pretended to be asleep and he continued until we reached our destination cuz I chickened out (what would u expect a 10 yo chi......   5 reply
04 12,2023
It's okay babe. My professor read my chats with my boyfriend (at that time my situationship, and mind you, those were one of the most revoltingly DISGUSTING slutty talks ever) I could never meet his eyes after that incident the entire year, nor can I do it even now. the professor is his father.   3 reply
26 09,2023
Lmao, chile anyways so--   reply
12 03,2021
Oh hello naww! I ain't no horny pervert! Lol,gawd so what does this make me--?   3 reply
28 01,2021
Bro how tf is Stephen Hawking even in the list? What's that fucker even gonna do? Run after the victims to catch them? (Ifykyk)   reply
22 01,2024
R.I.P We will miss you kiddo   reply
24 02,2021
Who tf fuvks a dead rat-?   reply
16 06,2021
about question
"why were you smiling at that guy?!" *Angrily storms to the store room and Proceeds to strip the uke's pants and shove his gigantic cock in his hole * *fwop fwop smack* "does he know you're just a dirty little whore who loves having his hole wrecked by my cock all the while he's right behind this door? Maybe we should show it to him" *shove shove d......   2 reply
14 12,2024
My fucking god I hate her sm and imagine you calling out a woman on wrecking your house and she replies with- "yes I held your baby and thought now I wanna ruin all of your lives, so I fucked your SpongeBob manz, and?" Like girl shut your fucking pick me ass up and kys   2 reply
10 02,2024
08 01,2024
I wanna join the discord so bad but my finals are here and I suck at studies I'll probably join after the finals (I'm answering so that I keep getting notifs about this question and don't forget after my exams this ever happened because I have the memory power of a peanut)   2 reply
08 01,2024
about question
26 04,2021
fetishizing long haired dudes is okay, but r@pe? I think the frick not, this guy needs help-- Apparently my guy right here is getting younger day by day, That is just sus, Yeah no, just N.O   reply
26 04,2021
about question
I can't believe I see no nalu fans Jack Frost x Elsa This might be a bit cursed but can you blame me tho?   4 reply
18 10,2024
Why is this worse than a fucking algebra equation?   1 reply
20 09,2023
Bruh y'all doing some real weird ass shit as kids- Lol, Imma just sit back and chile   1 reply
03 05,2021
Bro- ok but where my homies at?! They better get that crusty dusty ass off my face or I'm finna smack that mf off to mars   reply
03 05,2021
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I knew mangago ain't got nun on me   reply
8 days
about question
If it's humans, yes.   2 reply
08 11,2023