um-'s answer page 98 (1981)

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You people disgust and confuse me, please explain to me what is so good about dipping sushi, hot pot, rice in soy sauce, etc like the amount of sodium, and how strong the soy sauce is makes me wanna puke   2 reply
05 07,2021
23 07,2021
Depends where it is, and how you are. For me I just had my lobes done and it was a quick pinch, didn't feel like much, but if you get a bone, it probably hurts a lot more cause it's going through a bone   reply
23 07,2021
14 05,2021
i made grell, with green hair instead cause there was no red ;-;   reply
14 05,2021
02 06,2021
Mom, come pick me up, I'm scared.   reply
01 07,2021
21 04,2021
haha, I'm not self diagnosed, but i hate it. I feel like I'm perfectly fine (Probably because I've been like this for so long) but i'm not apparently. i was also diagnosed with a lot of other mental disorders and now have to take medication, which i have no idea what it does besides make me more depressed. personally, i actually had a huge debate......   1 reply
21 04,2021
um it could just be a phobia? i mean it just sounds you dislike older things and think its contaminated, but do speak with a doctor. i'm diagnosed with mysophobia, and the digust is always there, it just doesn't go away (dont self diagnose though)   reply
09 04,2021
12 05,2021
what did you smoke?   reply
12 05,2021
I dont, it usually boils over into a mental breakdown or a panic attack   reply
18 04,2021
welp when i was a kid, i had a very traumatic and abusive childhood which led me to mature way to quickly resulting in me lurking the depts of yt finding gay guys kissing. Now shove aside the fact that i was in kindergarten watching gay porn my family was also very much homophobic and christian therefore while i felt disgust watching it i also felt......   reply
18 01,2021
11 05,2021
i have literally never seen a person complain about lightsabers- in fact, they are actually more liked than uncensored, so idk what you're talking about   2 reply
11 05,2021
about nosebleed
ash would not be proud. also tell her to move tf out, they seem really fucked in the head...   reply
26 04,2021
06 04,2021
i tried relaoding my wifi and everything but its still glitchy-   2 reply
06 04,2021
this better be a joke, cause it sounds like some middle school fight   1 reply
12 05,2021
Well personally I'm not African American, but the braids have a cultural importance behind them which is why you shouldn't be wearing them, if not in that culture. The reason many are against non black people wearing them is because the importance behind them, shown off as just a fashion statement, and something that's worn for fun, when again they......   reply
10 05,2021
06 04,2021
yea i read just about anything tbh. a lot of good stories just have low ratings because people didn't understand the full plot, it was horror/gore, or its underrated and not many people have read it   reply
06 04,2021
06 04,2021
Me when my teacher asks for more of an explanation:   reply
06 04,2021
No they all seem pretty unique to me. Also, it takes you less then a minute to google manwha, seriously common   reply
29 04,2021