Fuchiha's question (3)

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about question
UMMMM did y'all see that ???? I'm SHOOK lmao we waiting hours to see that and IM NOT DISAPPOINTED IT LOOKS AMAZING!!! mappa is at it again

CSM fans tell me your thoughts!

When do you think the show will be out?
I'm saying winter or spring 2022
27 06,2021
about lmao
I've wanted to watch miraculous tales of lady bug and cat noir but I'm wayyy to old for that shit lmafooo but I still wanna try it... is it as good as people say it is?

That fanbase is HUGE and I've always wondered about it.
18 06,2021
about question
Is it cause they're the best genre orrr those authors just wasn't making enough money on their shitty ass plot lines to begin with.
24 07,2021