about your secrets
19 08,2020
I just finally got to live with my biological father. After going to court and begging to live with him because my stepdad mentally and physically abused me and my mom. He was very controlling and my mom was very fragile so i don’t want to blame it on my her for not getting us out of there. It all started when i noticed lots of my underwear going missing and at the time i never did my own laundry, come to find out he’d been taking them. My mom tried to confront him about it but he only belittle her to the point where i had to step in and apologize and say i was jumping to conclusions. He’s finally going to jail (i think) i have a lawyer that my dad paid for yet he’s still not behind bars, he won’t let me have any of my stuff including my ssn which i need to enroll in school. This all really sucks and i keep having nightmares of him, i don’t ever want to go back to that apartment and even thinking about it makes me cry, i’ve gained so many insecurities from him and even took up coping counseling because of it. It wouldn’t be so bad if he just left my dreams and thoughts maybe then i could be a little bit more happy again. Sorry if this seems like depressing teenage girl story. Not trying to be dramatic. Any suggestions maybe some tea i can drink that can help me fall asleep or something idk if those work but they taste good.. :(