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about question
This might be long, so if you're not into serious posts, don't interact <3

I need feedback on something. I'm saying this as if I am doubting myself but I just have to be sure about something. This for my good hearted queens on here who are willing to give their opinion (queen is used as a gender neutral term here btw) <3

I'm making a webtoon. At first I wanted it to be a novel but I soon realized There were somethings I'd rather see in a manga, webtoon, or anime. So that's why I decided to make it into a webtoon. I'm still writing the story normally to help me translate it better. I can't draw and I am hoping to stumble upon a good artist who is willing to work with me on my project.

My story is very complicated. So complicated in fact, that even I, as the author of the story, cannot explain the plot to anyone who asks. Hell, I can't even find a name for the story. I took me 5 years to complete every ark in my head from start to finish and I still have shit to add. Imagination, am I right?

Anyway, enough with that. That's the least important part. The more important part starts now, the thing I need feedback on.

I wrote a character to be very edgy. Not like a "I'm so emo" type of edgy. More like a dark and mysterious type of edgy. When I first imagined his character I didn't see some happy go lucky guy who was smiling all the time. So I made him angsty and never showing emotions.

I think his personality could be compared to Xiao from Genshin Impact or Levi from Attack on Titan. If you know the lore behind the two, especially Xiao, you might know where I'm going with this.

I've been wondering If I've been too harsh on him. And I need feedback on that. Let me explain:

First of all, he is Jewish, living in Germany in the 1900. Not a very good start. His mother was a prostitute, he's the son of one of her clients. Thankfully they were both adopted into a nice welcoming family that loved them both greatly, they had a son who was the same age as him.
When Elijah was a little kid, he would cry alot. His mother told him once that crying was for the weak and that he was a strong person. Which translated to strong people do not cry. This didn't really age well and stuck with him for a long time in a bad way.
When he was four, his mom died reading him a story with him sitting on her lap. He didn't react, he just kept telling himself "strong people do not cry".

Second of all, at the age of 13, he's getting harrassed and bullied for being jewish and an orphan. His brother Alexei, who's a brute who gets into fights all the time, always hangs around him trying to fight the people who bully him. He didn't have any friends except Alexei. One day he does find a friend. At first he was hesistant but their relationship grew stronger. Untill one day he finds a crowd surrounding the tree they were always at, with that same best-friend hanging by a rope. He doesn't react, he just turns around and walks back home, repeating to himself "strong people do not cry".

Third of all, he and Alexei illegally enrolled in WW1 at the age of 14. Shortly after they arrive, they are informed that their home town was bombed, resulting in the killing of both of their parents. Alexei cried for days. All Elijah could do was say "strong people do not cry" to himself.
When he was 15, he met a boy from france who was a year older than him. They developped a romantic relationship with eachother, if though the boy was from the ennemis side. The boy, Jean, was a prisoner of war Elijah was tasked to survey day and night.
One day some other soldiers found out about his relationship with him and decided to take it into their own hands. They shot Jean to death in front of Elijah before shouting him to death too. Alexei tried protecting Elijah by sacrificing himself but ended up dying in the process.
Elijah does meet Jean in the Underworld thankfully, and they develop a very strong relationship over there. But their fantasy is short lived when Jean informs Elijah that he will be leaving to the Overworld to start his reincarnation process (it's a fantasy action type story, Elijah dies but that's only the begginning of his story). Elijah has to say goodbye to Jean forever because he doesn't know when he'll see him again. Jean promised him he'd come back somehow.
Elijah did get a chance to go the the Overworld but when he tries looking for Jean, he is nowhere to be found. All Elijah can do is just fall on the floor holding himself trying not not cry while repeating "strong people do not cry"

Lastly, Alexei almost dies during a fight. When Elijah is standing in front of his corpse like body, he's trying so hard not to cry. He keeps reapting that awful sentence that his damaging his emotional health. Fortunately, Alexei isn't dead. Unfortunately, Elijah did not cry.
However, His boyfriend Benjamin does die trying to sacrifice himself by protecting Elijah. Ben's dead body is slowly dissapearing, and Elijah is just standing over it, watching as it slowly seeps into inexistance. For a second, He rethinks about the phrase he'd repeat himself in those kinds of situations, but ends up falling down to his knees. But he is tired, so this is the only time in hundreds of years he's actually cried. He's crying so hard in fact, it made everyone on the battle-field stop whatever they were doing. Elijah forgot how to cry. His whimps sound harsh and painful, it's like a mixture of screaming and crying. Everyone is just watching in horror as Elijah is tearing down like a waterfall.

So that's basically that part of his story. I was just thinking that maybe he's been throught way too fucking much. His mom dying, his bestfriend dying, his first love dying, him loosing his first love again, his current boyfriend dying...

I was thinking of giving him a dog sp that I could kill it off later on.

Is that too much? Am I being too hard on him? should I let him breath? This is important for his character arc tho.

I feel like I'm isayama 2.0
03 05,2021
about question
02 05,2021
ur so sexy ahaha :aggressive lipbite:
02 05,2021
wh-wha! what do you mean I can't threaten to shoot someone because they don't agree with me politically?!!! it's my right! it's written in the constitution! I HAVE THE RIGHT TO SHOOT YOU! why are you yelling? you know i carry right? you know i carry RIGHT? YOU KNOW I CARRY RIGHT??????
28 10,2020
yall be freaking out over boku no pico and shit because "lolicon, ew" which is understandable but how about you guys freak out over neon genesis evangelion?


just a quick rant. i am fine, no i did not just watch the end of the end of evangelion. what's that? there's an alternative ending to the series? bullshit. they're all happy and alive. rei killed everyone? what are you taaaaalking about? they're just fiiiine :) no bad thoughts. no bad thoughts. no bad thoughts. no bad thoughts
19 12,2020
i've shoved an entire CUCUMBER UP THERE (i threw it away right after i'm not a psychopath, this was during my extremely horny phase do not judge me, i'd fuck anything that resembled a phallus) and DIDN'T CRY ONCE. NO LUBE, NOTHING.

29 10,2020
I know alot of us struggle with mental illness here, and we might feel like no one cares about us and our struggles. Being mentally unstable is a fucking pain in the ass, so I want you guys to make this a "Loving You" checkpoint! The main goal is to spam this with cute and funny things, enough to make a person smile. Write a wholesome paragraph for the lonely ones out here, tell them that you mean alot to them...I assure you it's going to make them smile :)
31 10,2020
what would gen Z have on their tombstone?
29 10,2020
about question
i can't put pictures here lmfao, go look in the comments for some more explanation
04 05,2021
04 11,2020
i have a crush. she's beautiful, everything about her is perfect. she has a crush (who is obviously an asshole) but let's not talk about that...
I was kinda skeptical about me liking her, but then i was like...oh, yea i'd smash.
i don't like explicitly being touchy with my crushes, i only just hold hands with them. she always gladly accepts to hold hands with me, i don't find that wierd thought. i only hold hands with my bestfriend and soul sister.
Here's where the problems start to come: number one, she is straight but would gladly fuck a girl, so bi-curious? that's not really a problem but she considers herself "straight" for the most part. number two, she never let's go of my hand, not untill we have to part ways. number three, she gives me mixed signals.
what kind? you may ask? she says things like "we look like a couple", "we look like we are dating", "i'd gladly leave my crush to go out with you". this might seem like a playful thing on her part, but she's the one who says all these things, i never once mentionned going out or dating when we hold hands.
i've only told two people about me potentially liking her and wanting to date her but she's honestly getting on my nerves becausei hate mixed signals.
04 11,2020
Amy Coney Barret got confirmed to Supreme Court


it was fun having rights as a lgbtqia+ women in america

To all the bad bitches living in the US...i'm so fucking sorry, i'm actually very afraid for you guys.
27 10,2020
i just finished all the available episodes, i'm already in love
04 11,2020
I've watched Boko no Pico 11 times and I can assure you it's not as bad as people say it is. You guys are just too afraid to aknowledge the beauty of cinema. Honestly I think it should get a Netflix Live Adaptation, Riverdale style, where they'll stretch out unimportant drama for entire seasons. We'll get to see a sexy Coco with a six pack ლ(´ڡ`ლ).
Also, Pico is hot, I'd love to peg him

Okay so now that i've hypnotised you, i'm doing this again, but a different way, it's shorter and i'm doing it in seperate parts, so DO NOT FUCKING COMPLAIN, OR ELSE. I only need opinions, and no. i don't have a wattpad, i'm not planning on publishing it (want to make it a webtoon tho), yes it's an original story, and if you don't really get what's going on I won't explain it to you because you don't deserve it.

She had dark, very dark hair, almost as dark as midnight. It added to her mysterious aura, the vibes she emitted were undecodable. Her fair complexion was smooth and glowing. Her entire eyes were pitch black but still managed to look peaceful and welcoming. Well, just for a quick glance. If you continued to stare at them with intense curiousity, you'll start to realise how these beautiful stygian-darkness coloured pearls were oh so frightening and how her gaze was nightmarish. They were like the famous mythical beasts, called sirens, who'd lure fishermen with their beauty and angelic voices down the bottom of the ocean, to kill them viciously. Her facial expression looked unbothered, as if she didn't care. Her thin but slightly pouty lips had no emotion in them, she wasn't biting her lips, nothing. The element on her face that seemed to have the slightest bit of life was her nose. She was constantly scrunching and sniffing, like when someone gets sick and has a cold. Except, she wasn't sneezing or coughing. Just simply sniffing and scrunching, non-stop. Her clothes were interresting: An all black outfit with a slight pinch of colour. Nothing less, nothing more. "A very unique fashion choice", you might say...
24 10,2020
about have sex
12 05,2021
i am completely mentally stable
12 05,2021
easy game of put a finger down, let's go

Put a finger down if you breath.

If you put more than one finger down, you're a bottom.
04 05,2021
This is the funniest video i’ve ever seen on Youtube

oops, slight spoiler warning…this one is a short chapter so...
PART 4 :

Diane hated the way Nikko was trying so hard to make it seem like she could flatter her with her shallow words, it enraged Diane. She didn't want Nikko to figure out the prejuidice she'd already made of her, so she agreed to follow her.
As they were walking down the hallways, Diane wondered where the others were. It felt as though they were the only ones there. How many hallways had they been going down? five? six? who knows. They never crossed paths with anyone. Wierd, she thought. Yes, wierd indeed...
24 10,2020
As I pressed my thin lips on his whistle, his head fell on his shoulders, letting out a loud moan. Going back and worth, teasing his pipe with my tongue, never touching the tip. His moans were heavenly, music to my ears...

"Bet that felt good" I said as he finished. My face was covered in cum. I wiped the semen with my hand and shoved it up in me.

"Parting your red sea for me? Stop teasing me and let me hit that already..." He scoffed. I smirked, letting him shove his staff in me.

It felt so good, it was my turn to let my demons out... We came in unison. His holy water filling my insides like a hot cocoa drink warming up a cold throat.

"Jesus-sama, we should do this more often" I offered to him

"You're right Judas-san, let's do this more often" he smiled as he accepted my erotic question
29 10,2020
Okay so this is an answer to a question I saw on here, I wanted to answer it but I can't find it and have no idea how to look for it. It was about "what would you say to your lover right now" or something...So I'm gonna answer it here :)

I remember staying up all night to discuss with you. We'd discuss about how we'd meet eachother, how we'd go on 3 AM adventures...We even agreed on marrying eachother. I recall the conversations we had on how we'd live together, we'd talk about how we'd live in a cottage surrounded by woods, how we'd travel around the world...You made me feel happy, I made you feel happy. These were the best times of my life...But you stopped talking to me.

It's been 4 months, where did you go? Why did you leave me? Why weren't you here when I needed you the most? I missed you, really, I did. Ever since you've stopped speaking to me, I've had the worst times in my life. I have tried talking to you, but you've never responded. 9 weeks left on seen, I gave up on you. I'm sorry.

I convinced myself that my love for you had died down, I even tried getting with someone else, but they were never like you. You were my best option. I can't stop thinking about you. I'm so mad at you, you don't know how much you're hurting me...I want to tell you all this but I keep telling myself that maybe I fabricated this relationship, that you never loved me and only felt sorry for me. I never once asked you if you considered me your girlfriend, because I was scared of your response, I kept quiet. I kept quiet because I didn't want to be let down. I kept quiet because I didn't want to scare you. I kept quiet because I didn't want you to leave me.

I never told you about my mental health, never mentionned how my mental health was spiraling down, because I didn't want to scare you. I didn't want to be clingy.

I'm fustrated, I want to talk to you again but you won't even open my messages. Have I done something wrong? Did you get bored with me? Have you stopped caring about me? I hate you but I love. I miss you but I never want to see you again.

Like Ricky Montgomery said, "I'm Mr. Loverman and I miss my lover, man..."
30 10,2020
ok so this isn't really a clickbait or stuff like that i just really feel like shit and all. Y'all ever had this wierd feeling that everytime you do something, the responses you get are just like "cool, whatever i don't care" and you just want some feedback but you don't want to tell those people you're doing what you did because you want to feel something, atleast? like, you feel like you're guilt tripping a bunch of people but in reality you're not? idk maybe that's just me. I don't actually want to kill myself but a mental breakdown will probably happen. Like idk, i'm waisting my time trying to interract with people on this site but for the most part it's just a bunch of 13 y/o fujoshis that scream "oppar" to every asian guy they meet...ok ok that was a joke but in all seriousness, i feel like shit. Kinda wish this place wasn't as toxic as twitter tbh. and i felt good about the things i wrote but no one seems to care. It gives me so much self-hatred, idk if you understand ( you probably don't).
I feel like i'm guilt tripping rn, oh gosh oh gosh.

I'm not gonna put a another chapter to get opinions because i've figured out how you guys react to people ACTUALLY asking you opinions. so just enjoy this beautiful copy paste of a flower. idk how it's gonna turn out so if it's completely ruined, all i've got to say is "mood":
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24 10,2020
28 10,2020
i was listening to paradise by coldplay and rewrote the lyrics, i kept some lyrics but the message is different. it's my first time writing any kind of lyrics, I think the message is pretty clear.

When he was just girl, he excepted the world
But it flew away from his reach
His mind flooding from all their preaches, they told him
Pair of, pair of, pair of lies. Pair of lies, pair of, Pair of lies. Pair of, pair of, pair of lies.
Anytime he'd fantasize

Now he's comes to his senses, Asking them all the questions
"What's so different 'bout me ? Can't I just live in peace?"
Shut him out, shoulders weighted heavy
The deal makes the Parson's pride
He would always try to fall

In the night, the stormy night, he'd close his eyes
In the night, the stormy night, away he'd fly
Seeking para-para-paradise, para-para-paradise, para-para-paradise
(Oh oh oh oh oh, oh-oh-oh)
Seeking para-para-paradise, para-para-paradise, para-para-paradise
(Oh oh oh oh oh, oh-oh-oh)

And so lying on the ground, a stormy night
They said "Oh, what a poor soul, he'll never be seeing paradise"
His body para-para-paralyzed, para-para-paralyzed
His body para-para-paralyzed, one last breath as he closed his eyes
His body para-para-paralyzed, para-para-paralyzed
His body para-para-paralyzed, one last breath as he closed his eyes
His body para-para-paralyzed, para-para-paralyzed
His body para-para-paralyzed, one last breath as he closed his eyes
28 10,2020