tamu senpai's answer page 1 (35)

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AOT, i fell asleep on the first episode   7 reply
30 11,2020
call my router sangwoo cuz it's about to burn   reply
26 10,2020
everythihg... i'm literally the most sexiest person on earth   1 reply
11 10,2020
hawks, todoroki, and levi are all SUPER fucking overrated and their characters aren't even well written. oh yeah, we need a MLM anime that doesn't have anything to do with s/icide, r/pe, or anything dramatic. can't we just have something normal!?   2 reply
08 10,2020
this is what my lover looks like   3 reply
10 11,2020
jaehee...   4 reply
24 11,2020
if y'all ever heard the words "im gay" come out of my mouth no u didnt️   2 reply
27 10,2020
i- gurl no one is like that. and if it's anything it's always the heteros bashing on LGBT manga   2 reply
09 10,2020
honestly i think furries r really epic!! they're just enjoying their hobbies. most furries are kids and it's sad to see them get bullied for doing something that's fun for them :( when it comes to sexual content with fursuits, i don't mind! it's not my place to kinkshame, but you should keep it in the bed ;)   2 reply
26 09,2020
about lmao
ze/zir . ayo, neopronouns check.   1 reply
08 11,2020
my friend has social anxiety and these do sound like symptoms of it. perhaps try collecting some courage to talk to your parents/doctor about it? i wish you luck!   reply
12 11,2020
pee /srs   1 reply
21 11,2020
plot. i don't read for the sex scenes, i can enjoy them, but not just for it. if you read only yaoi for the sex scenes and you're a het female i don't like you -.- stop fetishizing mlm you nasty   1 reply
06 10,2020
25 09,2020
lunch. i get to stop suffering for 30 minutes.   reply
16 10,2020
about lmao
^ Apply all of this to lesbians too. PLEASEEE people normalize fetishizing WLW relationships too much.   1 reply
09 11,2020
tamu senpai
06 10,2020
you should stay in school to fix that grammar goddamn   reply
06 10,2020
hey y'all remember me anyways sh!t server; don't recommend joining. got banned over the dumbest stuff and the admins abuse their own power. admins also misgendered me on purpose lol.   6 reply
08 11,2020