• c a s s i e r o l l •'s answer (7)

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yeah your height is good, 5'7 for a girl is tall, actually. unlike my ass who's 4'11, so don't worry.   1 reply
13 03,2024
soo kind if my ideal type lmao   reply
01 01,2021
at our school bathroom, someone left their period blood on the floor and didn't even bother to clean it with water another one at our school bathroom is when some person had the nastiest shit that went all over the toilet seat and AGAIN, DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER TO CLEAN IT ISTG....MY SCHOOL BRO.   reply
24 02,2024
made two of them, I’d probably be the black haired one!   reply
17 04,2021
about question
honestly not mad with the results.   reply
29 10,2023
I was finding websites where I can read "Something About Us", and I accidentally clicked on the first website where it led to a facebook account. It has a link attached which is this website and I clicked on it because it also led to the manhua I wanted to read. So yeah that’s how.   1 reply
05 04,2021