no. zer0's question page 1 (156)

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and afterwards he fucked my tight little hole because he says i've been so good~~ im so happy!! he always tells me i'm the best cockslut in the world!!
12 01,2021
no. zer0
07 02,2021
you stop idealizing marriage/a romantic relationship and start acting like someone whos got their whole life ahead of them. you get an education, travel, meet new people, make new friends, etc and stop thinking your life doesn't start until you're married/in a relationship. Youre going to miss out on a lot of opportunities if you wait for someone else to join you. placing your validity and self worth based on whether you have a romantic partner is wack and toxic ngl.
07 02,2021
s-sugoi! daddy's cock is thrusting so deep~ if he keeps this up i'll cum immediately!
01 03,2021
about question
Green Apples are better than Red Apples. Green Apples are better,hear me out. Green Apples have a consistent delicious fresh taste,they taste like literal sour candy and is bliss to eat Red Apples on the other hand have an inconsistent awful taste+Aftertaste thats somehow worse than the apple itself. Green Apples have a ripe crisp taste,akin to those Red Apples in movies, they have a delicious tart sour taste+having consistent sides.Yea they may be harder to snack on slice by slice but its sacrifices. Basically i prefer Green Apples because they're simply superior
19 11,2020
I wriggle my hips up towards him. I so badly want his fingers inside of me, preparing me for his cock to tear me apart. He grins at the sight and continues taunting me while pinching my nipples and running his nails across my chest.

I hear the jangle of his belt unbuckling. I feel his fingers teasing my pussy- prodding to observe how wet I am for him.
11 01,2021
(for those of you who don't know what aave is -

there was a tik tok where a black girl was basically saying that gen z is appropriating aave and its true. this generation prides itself on being "woke" yet still managed to steal yet another thing from black people and claim it as their own.

using AAVE is fine as long as you understand where it comes from, and why you're using it, and aren't rebranding it as something else.

and before y'all say iTs jUsT wOrDs read this -
09 12,2020
maybe if y'all had a personality other than reading yaoi, and didn't constantly broadcast how you read yaoi on illegal sites on tiktok and twitter then maybe they wouldn't threaten suing every week. fujos i swear...
14 12,2020
no. zer0
08 01,2021
"if you have to write characters having sex or even kissing to show that they're in love, then you're not a good romance writer"

do you agree?
08 01,2021
Like damn y'all mf's stay clogging up the forum with shit that could be discussed in the comment section of the manga/manwha y'all are bitching about. It's the exact same redundant shit being said so either stfu or take it to the comment section of the bl since they're working now so other topics can be discussed
20 12,2023
if i were to suck gojo's dick, would i go slower than usual because that's how his ability works?
26 10,2023
this is how y'all fujos sound

on a meter between 1 - 10 how much did you cringe?
25 12,2020
Okay, babygirl. I've decided on two new house rules. Listen up. The first rule is that from now on, you get to decide which hole you want daddy to fuck. I know that sounds strange and confusing, I know that you've never had that option before. Until now, daddy always decided which hole he felt like fucking, and he didn't care what you wanted. He just took whichever hole he felt like, because they all belong to him, right? All your holes are daddy's. And he could fuck either your pussy or your ass, and fill it up with cum. But now that's different. Now, you get to decide if I fuck your sweet, dripping pussy, or your tight little asshole.
29 12,2020
Okay so I had this really werid dream where I was in a scenario where I killed Spongebob and I fled from the crime scene. I dont remember why I killed him but I remember it was in a forest and I stabbed him with a knife.

So after people found out Spongebob died, everyone on social media were going crazy!!! Everywhere there were posts on how much Spongebob meant to them and I was like well better stay off of social media.

Then I go to the shops and meet my childhood friend and we were talking about Spongebob's death and suddenly this boy I went to school with confronted me and says "I know you killed Spongebob you bitch, the police found the murder weapon and it has your fingerprints on it!!.

I was like damn they did!!! And I started having a mental breakdown. In my head I was thinking wow I am going to rot in jail for the rest of my life, I really fucked up big this So I go up to him and shouted "TAKE ME TO THE POLICE STATION I DID IT! My childhood friend looked at me seriously and said "no you didn't there's no way you did!!" and before I said anything else she took my hand and pulled me away. Then I woke up.

Funny enough in the same night I also had a dream involving a love hotel and the Yakuza but that's another discussion for another day
12 02,2021
if you're reading this fix your posture
16 09,2020
no. zer0
14 09,2020
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole. Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her. As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically
14 09,2020
no. zer0
12 09,2020
Sex is ok but it is nothing like the rush of finishing a really difficult problem or a proof finally clicking. Math requires a level of concentration that, when it pays off, results in a much more rewarding type of gratification. In fact, I don’t think sex should be the singular experience everything else gets compared to at all. Solving a hard math problem is a better comparison point - the tenacity that goes into it results in much higher quality highs coming out.
12 09,2020
"k-kakarot... i want you" moaned vegeta.
"vegeta, i want you too, you're so beautiful, your forehead is the size of mount everest" said goku, as he trapped vegeta against the wall and did the kabedon, preventing vegeta's escape.

they then had a passionate make out session, both of their tongues fighting for dominance. they broke away panting, and goku picked up vegeta bridal style. vegeta blushed as goku flew away.

will goku and vegeta find love ? will we ever know what the meaning of life is?
find out on the next episode of dragon ball z!
06 02,2021
Ohh snap snap, spark spark it's time to light up the diggy diggy dark, i'm The Flame Alchemist, and i'm gonna be Furhur my beats are hot and my rhymes are purer, i like the lady's in the mini skirts, I'll be posing in the mirror without my fancy shirts, i'm gonna set your heart on fire WOOSH WOOSH, And you know my heart burns bright too KABOOM KABOOM, My fire power tonight is feeling just right kablam kablam woo woo woo woo woo woo frieky frieky frieky ahhhhh
17 10,2023
Eating cereal with water is better than with milk. I am a true believer that cereal with water is better. The taste of milk conflicts with the taste of the cereal, whereas water does not. While still getting the same texture, water does not ruin the taste of cereal. My friends crucified me when I told them for this reason I am coming here in search of others who share my beliefs of water being better than milk.
03 10,2020