Whinnie's question (9)

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my best friend went through some terrible shit recently, but she never told me. so, the night it happened, i was upset over nothing like always, so i complained about a headache with her. probably because of the problems she had, she told me that i complain too much and i should stop because she can’t do anything about it. for whatever reason, i was upset like hell. my mom did the same thing and i ended up crying, but anyway. then similar things happened until a day later she refused to talk to me. when i asked her what i did do i could apologize, she started repeating a bunch of things and things i did that bothered her but she never told me about. i ended up crying real bad because i felt betrayed because of my low self-confidence. something like this happened in the past with another friend and now i ask if i’m bothering someone a lot. she’d always respond with no and reassure me, but that day i realized she just internalized everything that i did that bothered her. i wish she told me so i could’ve stopped sooner, my mother even did that for me. in the end i told her i was sorry with a giant paragraph about why i was sorry ans what i was sorry for, and she ended up listing more things about me. in the end i announced to all my friends that i was taking a break, but i didn’t tell them it was because every hour she said more and more. it hurt a lot. anyway, just wanted to say this, sorry if it bothers anyone!! no need to answer, i wasn’t looking for one to begin with. thanks if you read this, but you spent time you can never get back lol. now, sorry for using your phone area as a rant booth! toodles :)
07 01,2021
about question
so basically, with all the plastic we dump in water and everywhere else, the average person eats about a lego brick of plastic every week. so, this obviously has a toll on the human body, and one thing this affects is sperm count. now, how badly? oh, nothing serious, just that it’s estimated that the sperm count in men will drop to 0 in the year 2045. i would think we would have more than a couple more decades before we all completely died off :) i wish the best to (almost) all of you <3
04 06,2021
hey, just going to slide in, but do any of you have any novels that you think are must reads or are just one of your favorites (webnovels of any kind can count too, just please link what website i can read on)? i love reading but haven’t read a novel in a bit, and this amazing ff got me more motivated ahaha


(Please mark the rant/praise part of your reply with “Spoilers for so and so ahead” so we don’t ruin the experience for others)

List your favorite novel (or just a random novel you read), webnovels included, and say:

why you liked it and/or a rant about something related to the book.

ex. (i’m not done the series so no spoilers!!) SPOILERS FOR RED QUEEN, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! i sit on the fence when it comes to Red Queen and the series’ plot choices, but I just adore Maven and him being a villain didn’t change my opinion of him at all. Maybe it even made my adoration stronger lolll. (blahblahblah this rant is too long and i am too tired to write it all out LOL)
03 01,2021
about writing
22 10,2020
I know this is odd, but I noticed that people on this topic seem to like but cannot write due to lack of confidence, motivation, writers block, or getting distracted. If I were to open a discord server for writing, would any of you guys be interested in joining (and staying active)? Maybe we could have classes, or assignments? Sort of like a writing camp.

For example:
-You get a writing prompt by yours truly (everyone can suggest prompts as long as me or a staff approves) and by a certain date you should have written a short bit in the time given (not forced to participate)
-Ask for advice from others on something we have written (proofreaders)
-Activities where we are paired based on interests (randomly) and work together to create a plot for a short (or long) story together
-Fun little daily prompts of “Continue The Paragraph/Sentence”
-(Weird one) Entire group story..?
-(Another random one) Maybe role play for anyone interested..?
-Writing Memes

If anyone is interested, let me know! The more the merrier, so if you guys actually want to or enjoy it when it is open, invite people! I haven’t thought of an age limit (or if we would need one), so we can think of that after I confirm..?

Anyway, thanks for your time! Catch you guys later :)
22 10,2020
about writing
what’s something that you always wanted to read in a story or just something that makes you like a piece of fiction right away?

scene, dialogue, etc whatever you want
04 01,2021
have any one of you thought that? if you have, when was the moment it really set in? for those of you that experienced it ages ago, what do i and everyone else do about it? what did you guys experience? it’s been depressing me a lot lately and i wanted to feel a little less lonely lol
24 09,2020
28 12,2020
No hate because I honestly love this creation thing, as well as going through what others make (like an art gallery), however I am slightly sore from the same exact topics. Anyone wanna place a bet on how much longer this is gonna last and when interest will die out? Don’t take this offensively, I’m just physically sleepy and wanted to ask an unnecessary question haha :)
28 12,2020
22 01,2021
why am i heated? idk, i came to read today.


please just STOP replying to the troll posts. i’m sick of people getting angry and only making it worse. stop throwing fuel into the dumpster fire. just, idc if you wanna say your opinion and maybe get likes, it’s not worth it
22 01,2021
just random about mangago haha if you were to report a question or post, would it put a strike on the person’s account or something? it wouldn’t actually affect the person’s account, yeah? and, how long does it take for something to be taken down once reported lolol i haven’t done anything and i don’t plan to, but i’m curious because of all the drama lately
12 06,2021