yui's answer (2)

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about crying
yui 17 03,2021
Same but seriously tho, its time to gatekeep if this is whats gonna happen. I literally checked every single day i was so worried. N ee ways heres some tea, right before i found out the site was down, i saw this mf in tiktok exposing the site with the caption that goes like 'take down this site so illegal readers will suffer' or sumthn like that. ......   1 reply
17 03,2021
about crying
yui 17 03,2021
Im so tired of these mfs who found this site on tiktok and are starting to gatekeep by saying 'rEadInG thErE iS iLleGaL, sToP bEiNG sO pOoR' wTF MAN Theres literally a reason why alot of the users esp the old ones wants us to not spread this site now bc its getting out of hand. Its not just bc were being selfish, its to protect the site. And alot......   reply
17 03,2021