Nijole's experience (2)

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I think becoming a comic artist is a bit harder in America as opposed to Japan (I don't know about other countries) but it's still do-able if it's your passion.٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ Here's a short list of webcomic "mangakas" I know of who make comics for a full time job: Minna Sundberg, Yuko and Ananth (I'm ......   1 reply
29 04,2016
This is the only manga I know of about free schooling: it's about a girl who was too depressed to go to school but then she starts going to a free school and it changes her life. If anyone knows of anymore mangas about free schooling/unschooling/homeschooling, please tell me.   reply
29 04,2016