mMm's answer (15)

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over the past year- ik eveyone says it but all i have to say is practice practice practice! especially with reference and anatomy   reply
14 10,2023
hol up   1 reply
10 08,2020
i meannnn sure ?   2 reply
24 11,2020
thank you !!   1 reply
20 04,2021
mMm 06 03,2021
sheeeeesh i mean go off ig   1 reply
06 03,2021
about question
mMm 03 05,2021
self harm   2 reply
03 05,2021
mMm 05 09,2020
05 09,2020
you DEFINITELY right. pouf was one dramatic bitch, i hated his ass   reply
12 10,2020
ive used these both   reply
12 10,2020
about lmao
it’s one of my drawings but i’m not complaining   reply
02 07,2021