Kat's answer page 25 (500)

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Kat 16 11,2020
Well see here- =*5##13#"'-+:;??,,.)(!°^√€`{¿¿¶¶Δ=^`£¢¢`¥¥π√√÷¥√`~|`•€^^℅=×]]=^`~£¢€^×},,.¶¥|¢``|¢¢•¥€|~~£¥¥℅ did ya get all that just in case i'll say a bit more ßçvū$*$2$&6-%22@#€•π¥=×=`¢€€¥¥¥×=}¶}}{°¥[=÷•`¢~¢¢¥°|√¶{]}¡¿,.{¿¿¶Δ%""$=@*8!)??!''=ßaævrē%$#%......   reply
16 11,2020
It dosen't ruin it love. It shouldn't matter whether or not the fandom thinks the characters are gay or ship them as such a matter. You should be able to enjoy it whether or not the fandom ships two guys together. As long as the fandom dosen't take the shipping too far there's no real reason for this post. Now have a picture of Deku's phat hips and......   reply
11 11,2020
11 03,2021
Kat 07 01,2021
Killing Stalking didn't scar me. It really didn't. I've seen much worse. This story is still shit tho. I can barely understand anything. Does anyone have any bleach or maybe some radiation I can wipe my mind with please?   reply
07 01,2021
Kat 20 10,2020
haha car goes vroomvroom   1 reply
20 10,2020
about question
No.   reply
27 01,2021
Kat 22 05,2021
The "Seggaaa" part got me busting out laughing. Anway beautiful pristine asses. Thank you very much.   reply
22 05,2021
Kat 13 01,2021
I guess I still do that huh. Well blame my trust issues.   reply
13 01,2021
1. Seme 2. Sasuke Uchiha (I don't really like him but this is fine) 3. "b-but we're both guys" 4. fell in love with senpai (bitches so kawaii she would die for her- senpai~) 5. Yuri squad (ayyyyyy) 6. Multiple orgasms () 7. Threesome with Leo, Libra & Saggitarius 8. #2 dirty minded I like these results. Well except for #2.   reply
10 01,2021
Kat 02 11,2020
looked at my mom, turned on my most graphic dojin. Turned it around so she could see, and stayed like that for 2 HOURS, no moving. SHE HASN'T SAID ANyTHinG ABOUT IT-   reply
02 11,2020
Kat 27 11,2020
A Anus: you know what it means >:3 aardwolf: South African carnivorous fox-like quadruped aasvogel: South African vulture aboral: away from the mouth abord: to accost; to approach aborning: during birth; while being born aborticide: killing of a fetus; abortion abortuary: anti-abortion term for an abortion clinic ab......   reply
27 11,2020
Sir/Ma'am/ Non-binary fam you need some proper help... unless this is your alien man, then simp all you want. I get it, he's hot.   reply
16 12,2020
Kat 20 10,2020
Lol did that once when I was like 8 ish (long LOOOONG time ago). It was on my mom's phone and she lowkey found out and I feel like she forgot about it but idk Either way man, dick move, use your own phone.   reply
20 10,2020
thOnk, queen, ambivert   reply
02 12,2020
about lmao
Kat 11 01,2021
*gasp* Is it you fejesus "PEDOPHILIA IS MY CHILDREN-" Lmao. Pedophilia is your what now?   1 reply
11 01,2021
I am straight (at least as straight as you can be while simping over Mikasa) So I guess i'll just commit no ingestion of Oxygen. See ya'll on the flip side~ ;)   reply
17 10,2020
I was looking for Killing Stalking (me and a friend wanted to see what the hype was all about). we found out the best place to read it was HERE. We read it, lowkey enjoyed it, got traumatized, and stayed.   reply
11 10,2020
You should ask for your stuff back. Don't belittle yourself. Speak up. It's yours so you have the right to take it back. Genuinely feel so sad for you I know how it feels for stuff to be taken away from me. Happy Belated birthday. Hope things get better for you.   reply
28 01,2021
DEar oompa loompa me. Go watch Naruto, do it now, it's where you're gonna learn curse words from. Also make sure yo sock that one guy in his balls. Yes, im talking about JEremy, he was a dick. Now go, go and eat all the ice cream in the fridge~ Dear future stonks me. Yo you good? LIke have got off the yaoi addiction? No? That's what I thot you ho......   reply
04 09,2020
So is this calling for a revolt? Or is this just a notification.   1 reply
01 03,2021