Newyork Cheesecake's experience (3)

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I'm been reading yaoi manga ever since I was in high school and I still enjoy it even when I'm a working adult. I maybe a bit exaggerating but it's been a great part of my life. I basically read everyday and took pauses only if I'm busy or have an exam (when I was still a student). I want to read all the Yaoi in the world but my somehow my aesthe......   2 reply
16 12,2016
I've been dying to know the title of this manga... Can you please help me... Here is the picture:   3 reply
16 03,2017
Hi I'm currently new to this anime and lately I've been interested in the Quartet Night. So can anyone please tell me the title of this song?? I really want to know and I only have this picture as a clue... Thanks in advance...   1 reply
29 05,2017