's answer page 2 (36)

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Nothing to say about my dad, he's real cool. My mom though, is transphobic, homophobic, LGBTQ+phobic, racist, forces me to do things with no good reasons, biased, likes my brother more than me and compares me to other kids, and just the other typical things you would expect. What really bugs me, is how if she hears that my friend is trans, she star......   reply
18 07,2021
about lmao
Mostly any shiloh dynasty song. They all have that feeling that just feels nostalgic. Maybe any old songs too, again, nostalgia.   reply
18 04,2021
Oh yeah, I did this before. I got Intj 8w7. Most of the drive for 8w7 seems quite close to what I think, though that might just be me thinking that its true. Heres a fun fact ig, my pfp character has the same as me. How great.   1 reply
18 04,2021
Probably thinking basically everyone is lower than me. I don't think I'm the best, but I do see basically everyone at a lower pace than me, not counting people I know. Well, at least I'm self aware, aye?   1 reply
02 06,2021
Technically I'm cross dominance, but I just say I'm left handed so I don't need to explain what that is. And to those who don't know what it is, it's when you, for example, throw with your right hand and cut with your right hand, but you also write with your left hand. That's how it works for me basically. Its not that uncommon, but a lot of people......   reply
20 07,2021
Favorite as of right now might be blue lock or kuroshitsuji. And my first manga would be seven deadly sins if I recall correctly.   reply
01 05,2021
I'll just list some of my favorites. A couple are mangas, but all have an anime adaptation that is at least coming soon. Code Geass: -Quite well known and you might have already watched, but its just a must -watch that I always put down. -Had one of the best endings -Don't watch the movie. -Genre: Mecha/Action Durarara: -Don't see a lot of peo......   reply
10 07,2021
Man, you brought up the best topic for me to go on and on about, but since I bet no one wants to read something that long, here's my top 3 artists with my favorite song from them. Zutomayo-Kan Saete Kuyashiiwa Tuyu - It's Raining After All Keina Suda - Pareidolia Honorable Mentions -Yamiyo by Eve -Namae No Nai Kaibutsu by Egoist -Chicage by Ben......   1 reply
06 05,2021
Now that I think about it, I have since 2nd grade. Man, it doesn't even feel that long.   reply
06 07,2021
There's actually no point in doing this. I've seen a few "kids" on this site and from what I've seen, they themselves, swear. You're making it seem like they're like six or something, but in reality, the youngest that's on this site is probably 10 or 11.   reply
16 06,2021
I don't think there was any character I had a crush on, but I did find some attractive if you would call that a crush. My first one was probably like meliodas, from seven deadly sins. I'm not that young, I read the manga ok. And my current one is probably like Zhongli idk.   reply
08 05,2021
Naw. Firstly, I don't like main characters anyways, so this doesn't really apply to me, but I wouldn't support villains I like. Like I do think they're cool and they're a character I like, but I wouldn't want to meet them and wouldn't stand up for them, because, ultimately, they aren't good.   reply
25 06,2021
about question
I don't even know how that sentence would make sense in any way. Thats like when people say, "Its kind of like _______, but its not." Same energy, just a contradiction.   reply
14 06,2021
I feel like I've answered this question before, but I'm an Intj-T. Honestly, can't tell how accurate these are since humans are so intricate, i feel like they can't be placed into 16 personalities, though, there is the ennegram that divides you further.   reply
07 07,2021
Just a little information beforehand, I am Korean-American. I speak English (fluent), Korean (half fluent), Japanese (Half fluent), Spanish (half fluent). With this, I also want to learn French, but I'm learning Japanese and Spanish right now already and already have a lot on my plate.   reply
06 07,2021
That is definitely not good. He looks like 13. I know he's a ghost but eifwdogjwfvhttp   2 reply
08 12,2020