cherryberry's answer (6)

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it is so true.. without seeing yaoi i really cant function properly... i cant concentrate on anything and have that urge of seeing it and by the time i realize what i am doing i m pressing the yaoi button and watching a lot of yaoi manga..........YAOI IS LIFE AND LIFE IS YAOI FOR ME...ヾ(☆▽☆) ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄   1 reply
17 04,2016
i m 23 this year 2016. but i started reading it when i was 10.   reply
28 07,2016
i feel it all the time.. for about 5 years i felt isolated in my class. they had groups in the class but did have a friendly chat once or twice. especially when it was a party or some event i felt alone since no one would talk to me .. i could not do any work because of my weak health and maybe i think they thought i was a freeloader on their class......   reply
04 08,2016
i have night blindness and my eyesight is deteriorating day by day. so my biggest fear is not being able to see again and not seeing the face of my family and friend...everyday waking up, i am so glad that i can see and am not completely blind..   4 reply
15 08,2016
no one in my family knows. they are a little bit religion and all but i cant help it by mistake i watch few yaoi but now i m hoked. so after reading i delete my history but i do save my yaoi bookmarks ..well one good thing i hve complicated the folders where i keep them so wouldnot know... well in actual i want them to know and dont have problem wi......   reply
13 06,2016
actually just this month i was reading a very hot manga... u my know about kuroneko karashi no aishikata series.... and i forgot to delete the history... the next day on the same phone with the same tab my father went backwards and saw very hot scene... my mother and father asked me about the photo and i said that it was ads from a virus since the......   2 reply
19 08,2016