i've mc had it's answer (9)

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im totally not cheating on every test i take (⊙…⊙ )   reply
28 10,2020
about lmao
idk if I'm lucky or not   1 reply
09 11,2020
i have no complaints   reply
19 10,2020
If this site gets shut down we're fucked ヽ(`Д´)   1 reply
07 10,2020
why does it still reek of axe (╯°Д °)╯╧╧   reply
09 10,2020
about question
i was probably on drugs (bc why TF WOULD I EVER BREAK UP WITH THIS ABSOLUTE QUEEN.... somebody better smack me for being Booboo the fool ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ) or maybe bc she has a husband :')   reply
19 11,2020
it's just one of those days   1 reply
01 09,2020