mars's answer (4)

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mhm yep yep ive been bamboozled. how are you gonna say youre telling the truth then lie? it dont work like that ma..   reply
16 12,2020
oh.. aww man i thought patrick would show more reaction   reply
16 12,2020
mars 16 12,2020
sir clothing is made for ALL shapes and sizes, you just need to find clothing that will be perfect for your body. you can even manipulate with clothing if you wanted too. dw about what others say even if your a guy. clothing has no gender and you should feel free to wear, regardless of your gender. just go for it! wear what you wanna wear, why shou......   reply
16 12,2020
your mind does not match your heart LMAO i think you like the idea of liking girls, so you could be bisexual preferring girls (or more on the girl side) ^^   reply
11 11,2020