alicentswife's answer page 4 (114)
i don’t get it why are y’all hating on them???
2 reply
07 06,2021
i should’ve gone to sleep then i wouldn’t have had to see this
17 06,2021
burning the gays in carpets
27 04,2021
seungho, dojin, yahwi, and jiwon
1 reply
13 04,2021
housewife if that counts but if not then a teacher
1 reply
05 07,2021
i think it’s this one
06 07,2021
wtf is digital reproduction ?
1 reply
10 01,2021
from what ive heard she queer baited, mocked a black persons accent, and her boyfriend is homophobic and racist which she wouldn’t be dating if she truly was an ally
1 reply
12 06,2021
yeah but my parents are too dumb for that
25 06,2021
y’all are so edgy it’s funny at this point
01 06,2021
my voice because it doesn’t match anything about me and it gets discord mfs so mad.
30 06,2021
14. i refuse to be one of those 30 year olds on this site
28 06,2021
same thing happened to me i just ignored her but you can use mental health as an excuse i got an A because of that even though i never did the work
05 07,2021
i mean food is food and if they taste that delicious then i’d definitely try eating one
04 07,2021
id prefer it to be gone tbh bcuz i be too temped to argue with ppl
19 07,2023
tomoko kuroki in 8th grade i was literally her like every chapter i read i could relate to minus the pervert parts i wasn’t that bad but the other parts like her loner self and how didn’t talk once during the whole school day yeah that was literally me in 8th grade i’m glad to be healed now actually thinking about it i’m more like her now ......
19 07,2023
atleast your not failing 7th grade
04 06,2021
my cats sleeping on my leg and i’m freezing to death so i’m doing pretty good
05 07,2021
no my cat forces me to sleep by sleeping on top of me to the point where i can’t move
05 07,2021