Fujonat's question (2)

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So I've been thinking a lot lately about losing my virginity, I'm 22 and I really want to do it. But the problem is that I don't have anyone do it with, I don't want to lose it with someone I know because that would mean telling them that I'm a virgin and I don't want any weird look or whatever, and waiting for a serious relationship is hard! I've never had a boyfriend or anything like that and I'm afraid that I'll never find someone. Soooo should I do it with a stranger or what do you guys think?
11 10,2017
I've never experience love or anything like that and when I see other people that are like 10 years older than me and they already got like their fucking romantic life figure it out, I ask myself what the hell is wrong with you.
My personality is a shit and I'm so fucking ugly, like you cant imagine, so Ive always though that was the reason behind everything.
So now I want to ask if there's actually something wrong or do you think is normal... ヽ(`Д´)ノ
23 07,2017