pewpew's answer page 3 (115)
A lot of acne problems come from internal issues like your gut and hormones, if you're a girl drink a lotttt of spearmint tea, it blocks androgens which are male hormones that increase during teen years and that causes acne, it also helps regulate oil production. Also a good probiotic supplement helps and slowly try cutting out sugar and dairy and......
1 reply
08 12,2023
an edit video was stuck in my head so im named after the gunshot sounds in it
15 days
Dark heaven literally changed my brain chemistry.
2 reply
11 08,2024
Drew and enya, slushy noobz, quen blackwell and coryxkenshin
05 11,2024
The world sure does look great from up here
1 reply
04 07,2021
10 07,2021
My vaginal cavity has the width of two black holes merged together, I hold the power to use the earth as my own personal dildo yet I spare you measly humans from my deliciously moist uterus because I'm saving this WAP for another day.
1 reply
11 06,2021
When you binge watch 100 episodes of the the walking dead things are bound to happen. I was in a hospital for zombie apocalypse survivors, the hospital was very hi tech yet no one was supervising it so a ton of zombies was like outside the gates surrounding the hospital, to actually stay in the hospital you need an id or identifications stating tha......
1 reply
09 06,2021
My body took 15 screenshots just now
21 07,2021
Stick my dick in random things I've always thought a dick would fit in. Like a banana peel, ziplock bag, and a toilet paper roll.
3 reply
09 11,2023
The commute for me it was 2 hours long and I had to take the bus and this one homeless dude began following me and sat next to me on the bus and began winking at me and licking the pole you use to grab on so you don't fall. I couldn't even tell my mom cause she would make me quit and I needed that cash . Also after work the bus was filled with only......
1 reply
26 11,2023
Manchuria no Opium squad is reallyyy good. It surprises me how underrated it is, the art is nice and the plot is interesting.
27 05,2024
Actually changed my brain chemistry
1 reply
25 10,2023
Justified enough to be called a CEREAL KILLER haha get it, serial killer - cereal killer.
I'll see myself out
1 reply
11 06,2021