GotHumor's answer page 2 (45)

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So as a parent, I am absolutely disgusted with this. I have never understood that need to force the interests of the parents onto the kids. You need to get your parents all together and say how you really feel about it. Ask them what they think forcing you to do an activity you have no interest in is going to accomplish. You are old enough to kn......   reply
19 12,2020
Jacob's Ladder, way ahead of it's time. They didn't make movies like that then . They normally were cheap slasher/plastic monster flicks. This on was like Silent Hill, 13 Ghosts, and House on Haunted Hill a decade before those kinds of psychological and visual effects were paired in films   1 reply
18 12,2020
about question
GotHumor 13 06,2021
The problem is that people aren't necessarily good at what they like. I'm into books and theater, but I'm good at taxes and financial research. Take general study courses that will allow you to either get an associate's degree or carry over to the necessary core classes for a bachelor's degree if you get inspiration. Then you haven't wasted time or......   reply
13 06,2021
I mean, you're not wrong   reply
03 02,2021
GotHumor 22 11,2020
Thank you !   reply
22 11,2020
about scared of
I feel like most of you aren't old enough to be having sex. Your reactions are very telling. Sex is messy, stinky, and all around not even close to sanitary. Having sex while someone is on their period is completely normal. You as guy won't get an infection because of it. However if either of you are squeamish, usually in the shower is the way to ......   reply
12 11,2020
A real picture this time... So Frosch from Fairy Tail. Actually thinking about it, y'all are probably one the only groups that can actually appreciate this. This took several weeks to put together, but the result was worth it   1 reply
20 11,2020
Pretty sure 80% of this site's readers have never had sex, let alone years' of sexual experience in order to actually discover what their own kinks are instead of just something they read/were told about   2 reply
22 07,2021
Absolutely. Favorite ice cream, favorite candy, favorite cake . (Although not those York peppermint things. Ick! Those don't taste like mint chocolate, it's like taking a bite of toothpaste)   reply
07 12,2020
most of my friends and family are not part of my Fandoms, so I just end up laughing by myself   1 reply
21 11,2020
Girl you just have to stop. Nobody will listen to what you're saying. No matter how well meaning or frustrated you may be. Don't engage or antagonize. People here are far too convinced that they are right, that their outlook is the only correct one, and anything else must be ostracized and treated with contempt. Just enjoy the stories, that's the p......   2 reply
20 11,2020
Don't respond but don't delete his messages. Keep 'em for evidence. Show your parents or a counselor. Let them turn this person in to the authorities. You are smart with confidence, but another girl might not be so lucky. If he's creeping on you, it'll happen again   reply
24 11,2020
Dear god, I accept this challenge!!!!   reply
29 11,2020
She's a rescue. The neighbors moved and just left her. She cried outside for hours until we finally brought her inside to our house   1 reply
22 11,2020
Yona of the Dawn, Snow White with the Red Hair, March Comes in Like a Lion, Heroic Legend of Arslan   reply
16 11,2020
Nah, just old now   reply
11 11,2020
GotHumor 29 11,2020
You're going to have to confess. You need to tell both your grandmother and your friend. Your grandmother should know better than to take what doesn't belong to her. Your friend deserves to know the truth. Lying won't do you any favors. It sounds like you have a like of work to do in the future if your gram won't replace what she's taken   reply
29 11,2020
You are enough. Even by yourself. People who continue to hurt you and do things you know are wrong should be let go of, no matter how much they say they love you. No matter how crushing it is. You are fine on your own. Live your life for you, stop doing whatever it takes to keep other people in your life happy.   reply
18 11,2020