03 03,2021
member when you'd ask an adult their fav color and they'd have the audacity to say "i don't have one" or "what's the color going to be on" OR "I love all colors" BISH ANSWER THE QUESTION IT IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE anyways, what's your favorite color
about life changing stuff
08 02,2021
omg hi guyS. welcome back to my chan chAN. No, but for realsies tell me. I am a tEEnAgE GORL and I stopped going to school after the 4th grade. I graduated high school at the age of 15 and am currently attending community colleGE classes for credit. This being said, I never actually attended high school... or middle school... or anything after the 5th grade hEh. NOW HERE'S THE QUESTION LET ME SHUT Up: DID you have an enjoyable experience?
DId you have nice friends and stuff? Did everyone do drugs in the bathroom like on tv? Did they EVEN have the cliques that they SAY they have in every teenage coming of age movie???? What about boyfriends? WERE YOU THE MAIN CHARACTER? what about bullies?
I am very sorry for making you read this.
DId you have nice friends and stuff? Did everyone do drugs in the bathroom like on tv? Did they EVEN have the cliques that they SAY they have in every teenage coming of age movie???? What about boyfriends? WERE YOU THE MAIN CHARACTER? what about bullies?
I am very sorry for making you read this.
25 02,2021
I haVE seen the "dO woMEN exist?" question and honestly, how dare ya'll. It's obviously the males who don't exist. They never look me in the eye. They're obviously hiding stuff. AND LOOK THEY'RE TRYING TO ACT LIKE THEY'RE SUSPICIOUS OF US TO THROW US OFF THEIR TRACKS.
ya'll have 24 hours to respond
ya'll have 24 hours to respond