insanity_me's answer page 1 (35)

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I dropped "into the light once again" visually it's one of the most stunning manhwa I've read art-wise but I couldn't stand how PERFECT the FL and everything in her life is like the absolute text book definition of a mary sue who could do NO wrong perfect looks, perfect brains, perfect personality, perfect family and of course she's born with ma......   1 reply
14 09,2023
that thing we all do when we see a cow during a road trip and we're just like "cow" or when there's a hopscotch on the sidewalk and you're inner child comes out for a minute and you hop it instead of just walking over it :) just humans being lil silly I guess   2 reply
27 10,2023
about question
8/10?? maybe?? I honestly don't know how bad of a reaction this will get but here I go (might delete if it pisses people off, I'm not here to hurt anyone) personally I find it really annoying how out of control the whole pronouns/neopronouns thing is getting. But lately it feels almost like some people just want so desperartely to be "unique" or "......   3 reply
14 06,2024
about question
Yarichin ☆ Bitch Club I'm no stranger to yaoi and smut but the all around vibe of this manga just feel SO RAUNCHY to me. Everyone acts so sex obsessed it's such a huge mess. The fact that so many other good yaois haven't had an anime but this one did is nothing short of a joke, atleast in my opinion.   3 reply
26 06,2024
that I was raised as a mini servant for my parents which is not super weird for latino girls so I thought it was the same for everyone else until I specified more and people pointed out but I literally do everything for my parents (specially my dad) to a degree that it's just borderline ridiculous I'm talking about being called all the way to thei......   2 reply
24 10,2023
about question
12 04,2024
aight time to write down all the mangas in my "I want to read" list so I don't lose them, since 2020 is all about taking away my will to live   3 reply
08 10,2020
LADY BABY, seriously How is lady baby STILL going?? I don't even read it but its been on my to read list for a while. And I kid you not I've started other ongoing manhwas while waiting on this one to finish and more than half of those already came to an end while this one just keeps going to no end. and even the people I know who read it are so ti......   2 reply
04 06,2024
about question
ADHD, shit gets portrayed so comically in TV and movies and is often looked as not much of a deal when compared to other neurodiversities but it sucks ASS and it can come in a different intensity and type depending on the person. It can be hyperactive, inattentive or combined. (ya girl's got the combo and it's quite intense) I can't function proper......   1 reply
8 days
When the second couple starts getting more attention than the main one. I don't know why that pisses me off so much(?) it's even worse when the author notices this and starts giving them almost all the screentime. Or instead of giving them their own spinoff manga they make the extra/special chapters about them instead of the main fucking couple. Th......   5 reply
23 06,2024
personally for me I've never really been interested in other people for as long as I can remember. I was too busy maladaptive day dreaming (I have ADHD) I've never had a crush and I thought maybe that was just me not finding "the right person" but still no interest ever arose. I do get horny like anybody else but the idea of actually engaging in s......   reply
21 04,2024
My bangs are pink because I use pink wax cause on it since I'm afraid of damaging my curly hair ( ̄∇ ̄") also my eyes are darker lol   reply
11 01,2021
about question
I mean, just ignore it? if you're looking for "interesting" questions you can just click on the questions section at the bottom of the websites home page the pitcrew posts don't make the other ones stop existing or anything I just don't really see the harm in them? with the way this website's community can be I think those posts are like the LEAS......   reply
16 06,2024
insanity_me 05 09,2023
I wanna fuck my uncle but it's okay and totally not weird cause he was married to his sister and even his brother wanted him so it's totally fine (jokes aside I really like this comic though)   4 reply
05 09,2023
about question
Neurotipicals giving advice or solutions that only really work if you're ALSO neurotipical and have no empathy nor will to understand how much being neurodivergent dictates how much differently you experience the world from the rest. ALSO people calling any valid statement or explanation "excuses" it's not an excuse, I'm just explainig why this ha......   reply
17 11,2023
about question
It would be great if you could get a notification for mangas when they have been marked as officially finished. Specially if the manga is in your "I wan to read" list "a manga in your want to read has been marked a finished/complete by the uploader" or something like that   1 reply
02 06,2024
let me give you an even better one am I really aromantic or just have avoidant attachment/hyperindependence? am I really Ace or am I just demisexual? do I have no interest in others or am I just depressed and apathetic? this has been haunting me since my last therapy session so have fun with this enigma because I still don't know what I am still   1 reply
16 02,2024
solenodons they're small almost extinct nocturnal mammals from the shrew family that have poisonous saliva and can only be found in cuba and the DR.   reply
17 12,2020
about eat food
Where are you from if you don't mind me asking?, im curious because this is EXACTLY the potatoe salad we eat here in the DR for holidays also, yes I have something in mind we have something called pasteles en hoja which to put it simply it's a dish similar to mexican tamales and usually they're filled with either beef, pork or chicken and for god ......   2 reply
23 12,2020
2 reasons number one is I have aspergers syndrome and severe social anxiety. so engaging in interactions and following social cues that should be obvious to the average person just completely pass me by. on top of that I have a significant lack of empathy so I've never been interested in anyone else enough to fall in "love" not even a simple crush......   2 reply
09 05,2019