pretend i have a cool username's question (12)

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about question
ok so you post whatever the fuck you want here as log as its LGBTQ+ (ex. art, story reccomendations, interesting facts, etc.)
31 05,2021
about question
As the title suggests, give me 1 (or multiple) manhua, manga, or Manhwa character(s) you kin
24 07,2023
about question
1. In ancient greece, it was pretty common for dudes to be gay, it was actually considered manly for men to engaged in sexual intercourse (not sure about the girls but some sources say that the Spartan women would be encourage to take the role of a "man" since the men are usually away). There were also many instances where people in Greeks myths were shown to be asexual and other sexualities (ex. Athena, Artemis, etc.)

2. The term Lesbian and Saphic actually orginated from a Poet named Sappho from Lesbos, while she did have a "husband," (many people think its a joke since his name literally translates to Dick Allcock from the Isle of Man") she was considered to be Lesbian since she would often write her poems where she would basically simp over Aphrodite and other women.

2. in Ancient Rome, it was ok to be gay but only if you were a top. (also women weren't allowed to be gay since the Romans believed they were taking the role of men

3. Not sure if this is gay but there was actually a norse myth where Thor (Norse god of thunder) had to dress up as women because a dude has stolen his hammer and the only way to get it back was if the dude got to marry one of the goddesses, Thor tried to convince her to marry the dude but she refused so the other gods came together and decided that Thor should pretend to be that goddess and marry the dude to get his hammer back. So Thor pretended to be the goddess and he got his hammer back and proceeded to kill everyone at the wedding .tbh i didn't know why Thor had to pretend to be the goddess since Loki can literally shapeshift but i like this myth so whatever
01 06,2021
so i have been having my period late recently like it usually comes around the 15 but lately its coming later and later. so like im hella confused and my parents are hella conservative (ya know asian parents) so they won't tell me anything about my period and im to lazy to do research so like is this normal?? Also i literally get cramps at least once in a month, is that also normal?
26 04,2021
about lmao
ok so as the title suggests, I need some advice. So tomorrow school starts and I just found out a share a science class with a ex friend(?) of mine. So some context, in the beginning of freshman year, me and Bella (fake name) were friends. We were somewhat close (we would stay up to text eachother and hang out every period we had together). However, as freshman year went by, we kinda stop being as close. we quickly ran out of topics to talk about so she was more silent; this made me kinda scared bc she was kinda intimidating and I kinda stopped talking as much. it was awkward because we were in the same friend group (I was the same way with the friend group as well) and we had like 3 classes together. So freshmen year ended and, except for a few hallway bump ins, we completely lost touch. I think sophomore year was when I realized that Bella wasn’t necessarily trying to be cold and it was more her personality + with me being less chatty, she wasn’t sure how to go about it either. I was really thinking about it a few days ago and I realized I really regretted not trying to make a greater effort to talk to her and the rest of my friend group. And now (coincidence?) Junior year, we have the same science class. So, like is this a sign from some higher being or something? Should I try to befriend her again? I’m expecting it to be awkward if I do try but I do want to friends again and I really don’t want to be a chicken like I did freshman year. Advice is much appreciated
06 09,2023
ok so i know im not the only one that change so much from when i was a child. In the past, i was the perfect daughter; a striaght A student who wanted to be a doctor/nurse, get married, have two children and straigjt as a fucking line. Now my mom kinda hates me lol, i kinda suck at school, is an aspiring artist, i dont even think i want to get married, ewww children, and im pretty sure im as striaght as circle.
03 03,2021
about question
ok so i want to draw something for pride but i have no idea what to draw if so you guys could comment some ideas or reference photos, please do (i'll post my drawing if i end up actually liking it)
05 06,2021
about question
For my fellow artists, are you guys participating in artfight? If you are, can you drop your user below? I want to draw your ocs. Also p.s. for those who don’t know what artfight is, artfight is an annual event that starts on July 1st and ends on August 1st. It’s an art trading event where people get to draw your ocs and you get to draw other people’s ocs!! If you have any questions feel free to ask in this forum, I know too much about artfight. Also if you guys want to find me on artfight my user is vanilaice
22 07,2023