Mitsuya, he’s literally perfect in every way possible, he’s caring, calm, mature, mentally and physically strong, he acts as a mother and a father to his two little sister, he even knows how to SEW, oh lawd reply
Honestly what motivates me to finish an assignment is the feeling that I feel afterwards, like, the feeling of being done with something or the feeling that I can finally RELAX. I know it might not work for you but it kind of work for me sometimes. Sometimes I read and do the assignments at the same time so when I get tired I read but I keep my com...... reply
I dont remember the name but I remember that it was about a girl that had a lot of holes in her body and she masturbated with those holes and each time she masturbated the holes got bigger and bigger until her whole body was full of holes… I was traumatized
Oh and also, it was supposed to be a yuri on ice dj but that THING was literally about rap...... 5 reply
So when I was in 6th grade there was this one girl that I became friends with, she followed me all the time, so I always leave first her so she can search for me. One day there was a party in the school, I acted kind of “jealous” when she talked to someone else so I left, I wanted her to follow me and talk only to me, there was also another day...... reply