fuyuhiko kuzuryu's answer page 2 (159)
people who are like "im so good !!!! and he still picked that stupid whore/bitch/etc!!!!" like no ?? he picked her bc shes fucking worth it and doesnt whine about people having free will and picking someone else. be respectful of the person you apparantly "loved" and respect their choice.
is it reasonable to be sad or grieve for......
19 06,2021
cut the cameras. deadass? DEADASS? LIPBITE DREAM??
12 04,2021
i'm a guy so i used an alternative picrew lmfao heres a link https://picrew.me/image_maker/701767
fun fact: my grandma is buying me ahegao thigh-highs because she doesnt know what ahegao is. she OFFERED IT I DIDNT EVEN ASK... BWAHSHA
1 reply
11 04,2021
not really middle school but i went through a phase where i wore a jesus scarf (i thought it looked cool oml..) that was bright purple and covered one eye with hair. UGHHH i was so cringy oml.
28 02,2021
ngl i like all body types but the ones i see most often in what i draw are cute chubby girls, and for guys i like them skinnier/with less muscle. i just find em cute lol
for crushes ive had in the past and fictional characters i like as a reference i seem to like either cute chubby girls or flatter-chested skinny girls. for guys they were mostly f......
29 04,2021
"are you into me then? because im straight." did i fucking say i was into you, brenya? you look like a fucking crossbreed between humans and horses, gtfo.
"so you fuck inanimate objects?" no, did the fucking cow shit you were scooping up earlier at your mommys ranch get into your ears?
do you need a fucking rabies shot, or can you realize for you......
19 04,2021
i run around my room all day pretending to be characters i like and i think and act like them if im hyperfixating on that series they're in.
i also make characters have like these huge multiverses inside this huge maze in my head, where there are like levels and higharchies and kings and shit like in games. the ones that usually meet people are th......
2 reply
21 04,2021
agreed, i say this as a trans person: you dont need to date me or any trans people. trust me you seriously dont, but when you make an entire sexuality saying people arent real women/men and you'll only date "real" women/men thats when it becomes transphobic.
for the one about "mayosexual" i didnt even know people did that whast the fuck. absolute......
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18 03,2021
tbh i believe self dxing isnt all that harmful as long as you DO YOUR RESEARCH.
i personally knew i had some sort of neurodivergency and wrote an entire powerpoint based on my research to make sure i had it all down, and then when i seeked treatment? i ended up being autistic.
and even now? i know i have either DID or OSDD1A, because i know my mi......
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16 06,2021
actually going pretty well right now!!!! just thought id say guys it gets better. i dont know who cares but lemme just infodump rq-
so i went to my doctor today for something they wouldnt tell me, and when i got there she gave me a bunch of art supplies and sketchbooks because i found out i have autism and art is my special interest, and shes my ......
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22 04,2021
if the people involved are uncomfortable, please do not do that. imagine if you had a co-worker or friend who you did alot of things w/in the public eye, and then suddenly strangers who you thought respected you and your friends/co-workers boundaries began making fanfictions that are completely against them. how would you feel?
these dont even jus......
10 05,2021
my family is dysfunctional so we're not really celebrating and my dad's too busy with his gf and her kid. sucky but eh im used to it. also im agnostic lmao
the real question is why are you here?
04 04,2021
1. fuyuhiko [danganronpa]
2. c!tommy [dream smp]
3. kenma [haikyu]
4. lee hooni [suicide boy]
5. bakugou [bnha]
still working on bettering myself with that bakugou kin, lmao.
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21 04,2021
people shoud stop making fun of people who use neopronouns and/or nounself pronouns because its ableist.
those labels are used by neurodivergent people, and they experience gender COMPLETELY differently. its not all people who should use it, but people with those certain disablities who cannot identify with whatever pronouns.
something to remembe......
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27 04,2021
too bony + stiff poses of characters tbh
like it wouldnt be so bad if these characters didnt look like corpses. p sure it was only like that for the first 10 or so chapters but i just didnt wanna read thru that shit bc the characters looked SO WEIRD and it made me lowkey uncomfortable to read LMAO
also ngl alot of times the artist tried to make ......
31 05,2021
ngl its pretty hard to pinpoint for me because usually i just get small crushes on friends or celebrities for random/no reasons, BUT based on all of them some of the similarities ive noticed are:
- like 1/3 of them are blonde and have braces lmfao
- they're all some sort of outgoing, loud, or radiate excitement and chaotic energy
- when they s......
13 04,2021
Uh. georgenotfound UM. thats okay illl just make him some wedding toppers.. or like create him a nice top on evrskies... im never touching precious gogy in that way
24 02,2021
okay ideas but the reason people are on here is because we dont HAVE the money you're asking for. like you said, it is really naive and only available in some ideal reality that we arent in.
it can't be made legal lmao, this site has a bunch of comics from various sites, some of them not even available in english outside of here and other illegal ......
11 05,2021
eh personally i really doubt people will see past him being gay based on what happened when someone even slightly challenged how they thought. my brothers a trump supporter and HATES gay people (evidently, hates me too and calls me a f*g lol), theres literally absolutely no way he'd support it at all.
Same with pretty much all my family (all super......
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08 02,2021
yeah okay dont ask oml
23 02,2021