hello, ADHDer here ^^ im happy to answer the questions here id just like to say i have my fair share of comorbidities so those will likely make my answers different from someone with fewer.
for me the extent to which it affects me can change a lot, even with the same day; i have SAD so my executive function is definitely far worse in winter and wh...... 1 reply
id either go with the 'I DIDNT KNOW THIS HAD THIS IN IT WTF EWWWWW' or id just straight up die. like if it was anyone but my one friend id be unable to do anything but those reply
anything from ymz. i couldnt choose unless i read all their works again but they all are worth reading. theyre all pretty short but god they are such good reads reply
where shall i begin.... one piece, maybe jojo havent had the motivation but who knows, naruto, jinx (i am NEVER READING THAT TOXIC ASS SHIT FUCK THAT, a shame tho the arts gorgeous), idk how popular this one is but i saw a post on insta so 1 reply