MADOKA's answer (15)

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Recently a relatively new friend browsed through my bookshelf while I went to the toilet. When I came I back she stood there holding a manga, many questionmarks in her face "Dick Fight Island wtf??!?" It was funny, she even liked the art haha   reply
11 01,2025
Kinda like your opinion. When I started reading yaoi I was all crazy about sex scenes and such. But now, after so many years, I can't stand it if there's sex in the first chapter or omg in the first pages. For me that ruins it haha. Also there are some lines, wich grind my gears like "Not there" or "He is so pale" u know, that standard stuff haha x......   3 reply
29 06,2020
This is a really hard question .____. But if I teally really really had to choose... oh god uuhmmm Bokuto x Akaashi ? Oh god I don't know I have so many favorite ships, I can't even count them >_   reply
09 03,2017
about question
Idk If they'd make it through but I think He Tian would sacrifice himself to assure Mo Guan shan's survival   reply
11 01,2025
Meat with bones in it. I like meat but thinking about biting on a bone or gristle almost makes me throw up. For example, I don't eat chicken wings but I like chicken nuggets haha   1 reply
11 01,2025
"Don't act Like that". Oooff that really triggers me :'D   reply
11 01,2025
You could say that.. I've been in love once about 11 years ago (I'm 27 now... wow that made me realize time really flies haha) and after this 4-year long relationship it took me some years to recover. Since then I thought building up a relationship is a pain in the ass and lost Interest in love and things like that. I've never had much interest in ......   1 reply
23 06,2020
Sure, I do ♡   1 reply
29 06,2020
I was 19, it was four years ago and beautiful. Sometimes I read random manga. Four years ago my first yaoi was Yume Musubi Koi Musubi. After that I became addicted._ .   reply
09 03,2017
My first anime was Dragonball. Kid goku was so cool, I had to buy the manga. So yeah, Dragonball was my first manga as well haha.   reply
09 03,2017
Just like *pant* *pant* I found my elixir of life *blush*   4 reply
09 03,2017
Ao from Yume Musubi Koi Musubi   reply
09 03,2017
Heyaa, may I join this group? *3*   reply
01 06,2020
Sekaiichi Hatsukoi!! ♡ (If I had to decide.. I like both xD)   reply
23 06,2020
about question
There's only one game I'm playing everyday and that is Fire Emblem Heroes. But I also have this super cute tap game "Hungry Hearts". Played it sooo many times, it just makes me happy haha.   reply
13 07,2020