Shiro's answer (9)

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I hate when the uke looks like a child and the seme looks like a grown-up man but also if the art is too realistic. I absolutely hate when there is no plot and if they hurt each other too much (it's okay if they are teasing or bullying a little but I can't stand abusing relationships).   reply
20 06,2016
I think my parents have seen (they know about it so it's fine), my friends have seen it and my whole class have but they are okay with it (almost everyone likes it too), other people have probably seen it too because I'm not hiding when I'm reading yaoi xD   1 reply
02 07,2016
Yes, he was really funny, he kissed me first and told me he loved me. I thought we would be together but he started to get close to my best friend and started to ignore me or run away, like escaping me (but they were not in love). We met later on and i thought everything was fine but when I was going home he told me a liar and boring, said I was a ......   reply
02 07,2016
I actually started to ship Naruto and Sasuke unconsciously, I never thought about that they were two boys even though I knew. I just thought they were cute and I didn't know about yaoi. I was around 9-10 and I had no clue because I only read Naruto xD   1 reply
20 06,2016
My first manga was Naruto because a classmate told me about it and our library had it, I was around 9 and didn't know I could search for it on the Internet. My first anime was also Naruto. When I was 12 I accidentally found Naruto as an anime on YouTube and realised I could watch it but I didn't know what anime was so I asked my brother's exgirlfri......   reply
20 06,2016
I did kiss on kindergarten but it was only touching lips so I'm not sure if that count. My first real kiss was when I was 13 and I actually regret it. It was with a person who didn't love me, he sort of used me because he was lonely. (But I don't remember much about the kiss) Because of that I usually tell people I have never kissed before ^^'   reply
20 06,2016
Both my parents know about it. I never really hid it and my dad was the first one to know about it, I can even go around and talk about my ships with him xD my mom got to know about it later on but she doesn't really care so it's fine ^^   2 reply
20 06,2016
I have tried porn but no, it's too real for me and it feels really awkward. It's the same with animated yaoi when there is sex scenes and they moan... I don't know why but it feels so awkward xD I prefer manga but animated yaoi is okay if they doesn't show too much cx   1 reply
20 06,2016
I think I want Tomoe from Kamisama Hajimemashita or Zen from Akagami no Shirayukime because I think both are super cute but sexy! They can play tough but they doesn't want to see you hurt, they really care about you and I think that's the best thing about them ^^   reply
20 06,2016