❦Heart❧'s answer page 3 (66)
they say if you have a crush on a fictional characters is bcus you know you wont get hurt so get one its stress-free HAHAHA
1 reply
23 05,2021
honestly for me i dont care about it BUT if they're planning to have a child then NO, but if not then who am i to judge..
25 07,2020
i actually give up using tags LMAO
13 06,2021
YES you should stop reading when you're with a kid, not just because the kid will remember it but bcus of its mature content, no kid should see it..
also i didnt watch gay stuff when i was a kid, all i watched are shows that are on tv like power rangers/anime/japanese kid show that is similar to power ranger and our own country drama when i was sti......
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01 05,2021
btw phobia and fear is two different things, you them wisely..
anyway my phobia is heights when i don't feel secured enough or if i dont have my balance, its actually very specific, for example i can do rappelling but not free falling..
10 06,2021
i think i care more about the list i follow lol
23 04,2021
i got 39% and its scary accurate O-O
Though your conscience is in the right place you also have a pragmatic streak and generally aren’t afraid to do your own dirty work! You’re no shrinking violet - but no daredevil either. You generally have little trouble seeing things from another person’s perspective but, at the same time, are no pushover......
16 10,2020
Let me intruduce you to the Queen of Ara~ Ara~ "Alicia Florence"
11 02,2021
I got 28, it says I'm Sophisticated and were born in 1993, well its close to my real age cant argue :3
25 01,2021
I actually got an idea when I watched Fujoshi, Ukkari Gei ni Kokuru..
19 05,2021
i actually do 100 push up and thats it too lazy to do anything after that..
16 07,2021
I got 2064-02-09, HAHA guess still got 40years on my belt xD
27 01,2021
so young that i dont exactly remember HAHA i was in elementary at that time xD
14 09,2020
for me when i was young i already knew im gay it just that no one around is gay so i chose to hide it but, since i was young im into japanese drama and anime so when we have internet i discover manga and found out that theres also yaoi manga so i read it and enjoyed since then i never stop, maybe put them on-hold when i started watching western ser......
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03 01,2021
Badass Uke and i dont know about that XD
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03 04,2017
first manga came to my mind is Hidoku Shinaide, and Ren'ai Shinan!
16 11,2016
i dont really remember my first manga and i dont even have a choices to pick but in anime i got clues i just dont know which i watched first because it was airing in our country and dont really remember their timeline but i fall inlove with anime fast dont even know its anime and thought all cartoons are the same XD anyway theres 3 choices here we ......
27 08,2017
university is freedom and you can do lots of things, learn new stuff, so all i want you to do is to have focus on your priority and things you really want to do and to know when to have a good time and when to study hard because in university its so easy to slip so just remember have "boundaries"..
good luck and have fun :)
1 reply
27 08,2017
i dyed my hair between black or red or ash brown, i also tried blond highlights before when i was really young, i dyed it because my white hair grows alot faster and hated it but now im loving my white hair so im letting grow more XD
22 10,2017