Simp's answer (5)

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I never delete my browser history... incognito exists ;)   reply
22 11,2020
I simp too hard for guys that will never notice me. Not me having albums full of 2D guys.   reply
27 10,2020
Imagine being a Founding Father who believed the Senate would be these wise people who would do what's best for this country. JK it's just a bunch of power-hungry people that only see blue and red. Imagine living in America where majority is blue/Democratic, yet the people who are holding office are red/Republicans. Representation right?   1 reply
27 10,2020
Childhood actors, one thought the other was a girl and liked her... later they do a 20 year reunion wedding commercial and the dude thought he would meet his long lost crush. Youtube anime era   1 reply
04 09,2023
about question
everything.   reply
10 06,2021