bootybutt's question (1)

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i've had read one of Rie Nakamura's manga, it's J-boy or jungle boy. well it's a lil bit shounen ai, just very liltle, that's why it can be published in my country.
The story is good and interesting. I love so much with the side pairing ...shunsuke kozai & takimoto sui, i just know that this manga has a sequel that centered on this couple *obviously it's shounen ai* the sequel's title is Kimi no te wo hanasanuyounin. i've searched this manga for a very very long time and i can't find it nor any scanlation T.T if anybody know about this manga..plizz upload it here or give me the link if u had pliss...
I reaally want to read it. it's kinda hard to find rie nakamura's manga and i'm so sure that this manga would never be published in my country *well because of it's genre i think =,=*
01 07,2016