Yeager's question (3)

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about question
who has been reading thriller and horror stories, hoping it will have a happy ending?

yeah am dumb bUT AM I THE ONLY ONE???ಥ‿ಥ
28 01,2021
about question
hello, is it weird to ask permission from my parents to eat or drink anything in our own house? I've been actually doing this since I move to my mother and step-father's house (in 2 years already) that is also basically my house now but idk, I get afraid that maybe they'll scold me. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
27 01,2021
about question
Am I the only one who flinch whenever my parents or anybody tries to touch me?

Especially when their hand is raising, bro it really give me shivers.
27 01,2021