yoyoswaggg's answer (16)

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ending my bloodline   4 reply
30 08,2020
imagine being happy that your friend was outed. NASTYYY   reply
26 07,2020
zach :)   1 reply
29 08,2020
honestly? yeah. but only bc im going to a new school. i can start a new life w new people and new teachers. my old school was so shitty and caused me major depression, but i hope this new school will be different. let's hope for the best!   1 reply
13 08,2020
when i show someone a song i relate to that is special to me because of the lyrics and they tell me it's a trashy song bc it's old or they didnt like the beat. like.. dude.. i just willingly opened up to you about this song that has deep meaning for me, personally, and you just make fun of it bc it didnt fit your tastes? tf? im not asking you to cr......   2 reply
11 08,2020
what?? he's not a pedo. everyone knows he doesn't like gon and killua bc they're little boys, but bc they have power and potential. in the 1999 version, he is def a pedophile, but the newer version of the anime is normal. he even risks his life to fight chrollo bc he finds chrollo's power to be amazing.   1 reply
11 08,2020
12 08,2020
on today's episode of the human brain,   reply
12 08,2020
12 08,2020
yeah im just here for the yaoi   reply
12 08,2020
20 08,2020
fucking trolls   reply
20 08,2020
im not indian but i am south asian   1 reply
11 08,2020
13 08,2020
i used to play on mineplex but my mac heats up so fast that i got annoyed and stopped playing. also, everyone on mineplex is so fucking mean istg   reply
13 08,2020
A lot of people read yaoi/shounen-ai just because of the art style. Fetishizing gay/bisexual men irl is when it's too much, but simply reading is not the same. I agree that 10/11/12 year olds should not be reading this stuff, and NO ONE should fantasize shit like killing stalking. Anyways, most people just prefer two hot dudes rather than a hot gir......   2 reply
08 08,2020
no, it's not normal. it's domestic violence. you may not want to, but calling CPS (child protection services) is the best option.   reply
07 08,2020
21 08,2020
you have muscle. dont worry bout it.   reply
21 08,2020