Wein3r's answer page 2 (33)

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blood for the blood god i was in the mood of recreating someone hh   reply
21 06,2021
about drawing
ehe it's my oc and my other oc and my oc and best boy but we pretend like it looks like him im so entertained by this   1 reply
21 02,2021
oml this picrew maker is so pretty   reply
05 06,2021
i have way too much oc lore   1 reply
06 06,2021
wein3r is a female with violet short hair, blue eyes, is 1.68m tall and is quiet   reply
01 07,2024
YA AND do they (female omegas and males if they do) have to deal with BOTH periods and heats like that sounds like a pain in the ass   reply
09 11,2020
yuh these are so entertaining   reply
13 03,2021
oh so a wrinkly baguette not that there's anything wrong with that - a joseph simp   reply
01 10,2020
im hella loyal to my albino moose ok   reply
10 10,2020
i dont hide it but i dont openly say that i like yaoi either. if someone asks then im like cool sure id tell them, i mean my lock screen and home screen are literally 2 males kissing (lock) and hugging (home) so at least people should know i ship boys OH but when it comes to seggs I WILL hide the fact i read it esp infront of my parents :D but if a......   reply
15 10,2020
honestly, omegaverses make me think way too much about life and how im glad second genders aint a thing i wanna just be a beta and make friends with omegas and like protect them because 10/10 of the time when i read omegaverses i end up crying for the omegas because of discrimation and shit like that so but i mean i wouldnt mind being an alpha if i......   reply
14 10,2020
1) albedo, bennett, venti, sucrose, mona, noelle 2) op what is this sucrose slander also i like all the characters 3) 55 very close to 56 4) what even is your main-- my main rn is keqing and noelle and my strongest is my xiao 5) eh it's better now 6) lmao welking and bp 7) cyno banner when also c4 albedo and skyward harp :'D YANFEI TOO I GOT ZHONGL......   reply
06 06,2021
my oc hh   reply
06 06,2021